Program Updates:
2025 FACTS Text Messaging Update - FACTS program participants receive important account, trip, and fishery-specific notifications when they opt in (subscribe) to text messaging. These include End Hail reminders, Striped Bass Check-in Receipts, Quota Share Transfer Updates, and Public Notices.
- System Update - FCC guidelines now require that all messaging services allow users to opt-in and opt-out of receiving text messages. The FACTS messaging system was updated in January 2025 to comply with these new regulations.
- User Support - The
FACTS Text Messaging flyer reviews the steps for how to opt in and/or opt out of receiving text messages from the FACTS system. To learn more, FACTS users can access the Text Notices option from the main menu in their FACTS account.
NEW! - Shellfish Pilot Programs available to commercial Oyster
and Clam harvesters and certified Shellfish Dealers!
NEW! - Early start flexibility extended to full season
for Blue Crab Program Participants who use crab pots!
With the FACTSTM online system, your computer, tablet or phone
becomes a convenient way to report your daily harvest activity.
Electronic reporting, or E-Reporting, is a quick and easy way to submit your commercial harvest information to the department. The Fishing Activity & Catch Tracking System (FACTSTM) is an online harvest reporting system that has been customized to meet the needs of Maryland commercial watermen. E-Reporting with FACTSTM can save you time and provide 24/7 secure access to all of your trip information and harvest history.
Due to the popularity of the program, you can expect to be contacted
within ten business days of completing our online Sign-Up form.
The login information (username and password),
to your new FACTSTM account will be provided during training.
IMPORTANT: Temporary License Transfer Holders
Is the owner of the license using the same license number as you? Only one person per license number is able to report harvest in FACTS, with the owner of the license having priority. Questions? Call Meredith Jones at 410-260-8301
Online Training: Learn at your own pace, using a combination of videos and program information that is emailed to you. In less than an hour you can learn everything you need to know to get the most out of your FACTS account.
Mentoring: Do you know a FACTS user who is able to show you how the system works? Then contact us to get your electronic reporting account ready and we'll provide the training support to help you get started.
Authorized Users: Linked to the license holder’s FACTSTM account, a designated Authorized User’s account allows for joint harvest reporting and, for Blue Crab pilot program participants, a Flexible Day Off for their harvest activity. Please contact the E-Reporting Program to learn more about this specialized type of account.
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Special Harvest Flexibilities for Pilot Program Participants!
View the
Permit Information page to see the special harvest flexibility details for each of the fisheries.
- Option for crab potters to start 2 hours before sunrise
- Flexible Day Off From Crabbing – You get to pick your day off each week and it can vary week to week based on what works best for you.
- Only report on the days you go out to crab.
- Use FACTSTM to meet your daily Menhaden reporting requirement
- Next-Day Check-in of Harvest – You can keep fish from one day of fishing and check it in on the following day
(either in the morning before you start your next trip or as combined harvest at the end of the day).
- Authorized Representatives – You can designate a representative(s) to check-in your daily harvest for you
at a check station (Cannot be used with next day check-in incentive).
- No longer need a Striped Bass Harvest Permit card to track your quota – FACTSTM will track your quota
for you when you check-in your catch, making it easy to see exactly how much quota you have remaining.
- Easily and quickly transfer striped bass quota electronically with other FACTSTM users.
- Only report on the days you go out to actively harvest.
- Allows the Use of Box Tags - Free box tags are provided for pilot program participants. 2025 Yellow Perch Box Tag Instructions
- No daily calls to the Yellow Perch Hotline when you use FACTSTM to report your trips.
- No longer need a Yellow Perch Harvest Permit card to track your quota shares - FACTSTM will track your quota for you.
- Only report on the days you go out to actively harvest.
- The captain and one mate can each possess up to one striped bass per person per day, within the open recreational striped bass season after May 15
- Only report on the days that your run for-hire trips
- Authorized Representatives - You can designate a representative(s) to take your harvest to a dealer for you
- Option to start 1/2 hour before sunrise
- Only report on the days that you go out to harvest
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