Dear Licensed Captain or Guide,
The Maryland Charter Boat Industry has a long tradition of connecting Marylanders and our State's visitors with fishing, the Chesapeake Bay and our other waterways. As stewards of this great tradition, we at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources along with our partners at the Maryland Office of Tourism are working to better connect potential anglers with you, the charter boat captain or fishing guide. You provide a valuable service to anglers who may not own their own boat or are looking for a guided fishing trip. Both the Department of Natural Resources and the Office of Tourism recognize the value you and your industry have on the economy.
To better connect you with potential customers, the department has developed a webpage which offers users a map listing charter boat/guide options. Users can click on a location and view your contact and additional information. This will give anglers a centralized location to plan out their day trips or fishing vacations.
This offer to post your business information is completely voluntary to you. If you would like to participate and have your charter boat/guide services on the website, please complete the below application for the Charter/Guide Locator Listing.
New captains and guides are added periodically, after submitted information is verified, normally April and October.
If you experience an issue when submitting the below information please contact Erik Zlokovitz at or 410-260-8324.
Thank you.