Youth Fishing

My First Fish Certificate Signup link to Fishing Tips and general information
Fishing Rodeos web page linkYouth Anglers Log link
Fish Facts web page link Fishing Videos link Youth Fishing Club signup application

picture of a young boy holding a brown trout image of the Youth fishing club stickers image of a young man fishing from a boat with a big smile

The Youth Fishing Club is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 15. Membership is free and each new member will receive two Maryland Youth Fishing Club Stickers. Find out where special youth events are being held, share your fishing stories and photos on the Youth Angler's Log​ page and learn new things about fishing. Download Sign-up Sheet* or ​Use the online form​ to register.

* This form will need to be printed and mailed to
Angel Wright, 580 Taylor Ave, B-2, Annapolis, MD 21401 - or FAX to 410-260-8279
to activate your membership.
