FACTS Shellfish Reporting
Spend more time being a waterman and less time reporting.
Shellfish Harvester and Dealer Pilot Programs
As with the previous pilot programs all harvest activity is reported in real-time, before the waterman lands their catch. Roving monitors will be active during the season, verifying approximately 10% of all shellfish trips reported. The program's real-time reporting requirement and dockside verification by monitors, are what make the permit's Special Harvest Flexibilities for participants possible. Participating dealers are able to process electronic buy tickets for both FACTS and non-FACTS harvesters.
Training is Provided - Developed in partnership with industry, these pilot programs add new features and functionality to the FACTS system. The first group of volunteers field testing the system have provided valuable feedback for the program's development. The pilot is now open to all Maryland Chesapeake Bay commercial Oyster and Clam harvesters.
IMPORTANT: Temporary License Transfer Holders -
Is the owner of the license using the same license number as you? Only one person per license number is able to report harvest in FACTS, with the owner of the license having priority. Questions? Call Meredith Jones at 410-260-8301
Special Program Flexibilities for Shellfish Harvesters
- Pilot participants can designate authorized representatives to take their harvest to dealers under their license. Authorized representatives must be commercially licensed individuals allowed to harvest shellfish and be participating in the Shellfish FACTSTM pilot program.
- Early Start Time:
- Pilot participants licensed to harvest shellfish in the Chesapeake Bay can start harvesting up to ½ hour before sunrise by electing to daily report using FACTSTM as part of their start hail for each trip.
- Pilot participants electing to start ½ hour before sunrise must display the letters “EHRS” on their vessel. The letters shall be painted or firmly attached to the port side near the stern of the vessel. The letters shall be plain vertical block characters of not less than 3 inches in height and shall contrast with the color of the background.
- Pilot participants will observe the same workday total hours as non-FACTSTM users. If they elect to start early they must cease harvesting:
- Oysters by 2:30 p.m. when using shaft tong, patent tong, dredge boat, diving apparatus, or power dredge;
- Oysters at least 1/2 hour before sunset when using a dredge boat propelled by means of an auxiliary yawl boat; and
- Clams at least 1/2 hour before sunset.
You can review the
Shellfish Harvester and
Shellfish Dealer Program Permit Agreements to see the complete details for program flexibilities and requirements.