Maryland Water Monitoring Council

Annual Roundtable

The Maryland Water Monitoring Council organizes the Maryland Streams Roundtable to foster collaboration and cooperation among the many and varied groups sampling streams throughout Maryland. This gathering provides an excellent opportunity to learn where monitoring is being done and what's being sampled. The Roundtable is intended for professionals, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions monitoring streams. It serves as an opportunity for agencies, academic institutions, and groups to share what and where sampling will be done every year.​

​17th Stream Monitoring Roundtable​

Greetings, fellow water monitors. It’s that time of year again (well, a little later than in years past)! Let’s get together and coordinate stream monitoring efforts for 2025. This year’s Maryland Streams Roundtable will again be a hybrid meeting, with both virtual and in-person options.

Many agencies, consultants, and watershed organizations monitor streams throughout Maryland. The Maryland Water Monitoring Council has organized an (almost) annual Maryland Streams Roundtable to foster collaboration and cooperation among these many and varied groups. This gathering will provide an excellent opportunity to learn where monitoring is being done and what's being sampled. The Roundtable is intended for professionals, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions monitoring streams throughout the state. It is not a forum for general discussions of stream-related topics or to drum up interest in your group. With that in mind, we would like to invite you to attend the Maryland Water Monitoring Council’s 17th Stream Monitoring Roundtable on Friday, March 7, 2025​. This is an opportunity for you and your group to tell your colleagues what and where you will be monitoring in Maryland’s streams in 2025.

The Roundtable will be held both virtually and in-person from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. The in-person option will be held at the US​GS Water Science Ce​nter​ near UMBC. For those choosing the virtual option a link will be sent to attendees a few days prior to the Roundtable. If capacity is reached, preference will be given to those people giving presentations on their monitoring locations. Registration for the Roundtable is free, but please RSVP to Andy Becker (, 410-891-1767) with your choice of either virtual or in-person attendance before close of business Friday, February 28, 2025​ and indicate whom from your organization will give a presentation. Active participation from all groups in attendance is vital to the success of the Roundtable.

Each presenter will give a short 5 to 10-minute Powerpoint presentation that includes an overview of study design, parameters sampled, and the types and locations of stream monitoring activities planned for 2025. There will also be plenty of time for discussion and questions. If you would like your sites added to a map (public and internet accessible) of all 2025 sampling locations across the state, fill out the data template (Excel) available for download with the required information (e.g. site ID, coordinates, monitoring type, and contact information) for each site and email the completed spreadsheet to Andy Becker at KCI Technologies (see above). Please send Andy your map-able data no later than close of business on Friday, February 28, 2025​Cl​ick here to view last year's Roundtable Map.

We will collect all this information and display these data on one large map so that attendees can locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

A detailed agenda for the entire day will be sent to all registrants prior to the Roundtable.

Feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues whom we may have missed.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on March 7th.

16th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 16th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held virtually and in-person at the USGS Water Science Center on Monday, February 26, 2024. About 47 people attended and there were 22 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs.

Click HERE​ for an agenda with links to presentations.

The map below was generated for the 2024 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.​

Click to Vi​ew Larger Map.

15th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 15th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held virtually on March 15, 2023. About 55 people attended and there were 24 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs.

Click HERE​ for an agenda.

​​​The map below was generated for the 2023 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

Click to Vi​ew Larger Map.

14th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 14th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held virtually on March 10, 2022. About 55 people attended and there were 24 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs.

Click HERE for an agenda with links to presentations.

The map below was generated for the 2022 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

Click to Vi​ew Larger Map.

13th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 13th Annual Maryland Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held from 9:30 AM until 4:00 PM on February 28, 2020 at the USGS Water Science Center ​near UMBC (Catonsville). Forty nine people attended and there were 20 presentations from agencies, consultants, academia and NGOs. Twelve groups submitted points to be plotted on a big map.

Presentations included study design, parameters sampled, and the types and locations of stream monitoring activities planned for 2020.

Click HERE for an agenda with links to presentations.

2020 sampling points submitted for the roundtable are displayed on the map below.


12th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 12th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held at the Hein Public Service Building in Glen Burnie on February 22, 2019. About 54 people attended and there were 23 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs. Katherine Slater (MDE) gave a lunchtime presentation titled, Reaching Across the Aisle: Collaboration in MS4 Biological Monitoring.

Click HERE for an agenda with links to presentations.

The map below was generated for the 2019 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.


View Larger Map

11th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 11th Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held at the USGS Water Science Center on February 23, 2018. About 58 people attended and there were 20 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs. Mike Galvin (SavATree) gave a lunchtime presentation on the Baltimore Urban Waters Partnership.

Click HERE for an agenda with links to presentations.

The map below was generated for the 2018 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

View larger map

Tenth Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The Tenth Annual Stream Monitoring Roundtable was held at the USGS Water Science Center on February 10, 2017. About 53 people attended and there were 23 presentations by staff from agencies, consulting firms, academic institutions and NGOs. Tom Jordan (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center) provided a very enlightening lunchtime presentation on 40 years of nutrient monitoring in local Anne Arundel County streams.

Click HERE for an agenda with links to presentation. 

The map below was generated for the 2017 Roundtable. It will remain online and may be used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

View larger map

The Water Science Center has plenty of free parking. Registrants are on their own for lunch but drinks will be provided by Maryland Water Monitoring Council.

Ninth Annual Maryland Stream Monitoring Roundtable

The 9th Annual Maryland Stream Monitoring Roundtable took place on February 19, 2016 at the USGS Water Science Center in Catonsville. There were 46 in attendance. Mary Kay Foley, the Center's Director, kicked off the gathering by welcoming all. During lunch, Steve Harrison and Ian Smith (UMCES) discussed a new effort to monitor the effectiveness of several stream restoration projects and Michael Williams (SERC) focused on a restoration project in the Rock Creek Watershed. There were 24 presentations. Andy Becker (KCI) and Matt Stover (MDE) collaborated to produce an online map of all submitted point data for 2016 monitoring. This map (below) was used to locate areas of overlap and identify potential opportunities for collaboration. The map will be updated annually. Here is the 2016 agenda. Click on a title to view the presentation.

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