MWMC Webinars & Workshops

MWMC Webinars

The Information Management and Communication Committee proudly presents two data quality webinars:

January 30
Quality Assurance in the Office of Water, EPA: Perspectives on Best Practices to Ponder
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February 27
The Three Rs of QAPPs – wRiting, Reviewing, and Realization (Implementation)
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The webinars will feature speaker Joe Beaman, Quality Assurance Manager from the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water.

Mr. Beaman is a Senior Biologist and the Quality Assurance Manager for the Office of Water in the Office of Science and Technology (OST). He is responsible for implementation of the Office of Water Quality Management Plan as well as the aquatic life criteria lead for pollutants such as mercury, selenium, and zinc.

Prior to being appointed to the position of OW QA Manager in June 2022, Joe served as the Quality Assurance Officer for the Office of Science and Technology and the Quality Assurance Coordinator for the Health and Ecological Criteria Division in OST over the previous six and a half years. Joe also served as a Senior Biologist in the Ecological Risk Assessment Branch (ERAB), working full time on aquatic life criteria, assisting with Endangered Species Act consultations and serving as the EPA HQ technical liaison supporting criteria and standards implementation assistance to EPA Regions, States, and Tribes. Earlier in Joe’s career at EPA, Joe served as the Branch Chief for ERAB, as well as its Criteria Team Leader. Prior to Joe coming to the EPA, in 2006, Joe served as a Toxicologist, Section Head and Division Chief for the Maryland Department of the Environment (2000-2006), leading efforts in developing nutrient criteria for the Chesapeake Bay as well as the Fish Consumption Advisory Program. Joe also served as an Army contractor for Geo-Centers Inc. (1992-2000) working on aquatic toxicology projects at the US Army Center for Environmental Health Research. In the US Army (1985-1992), Joe served as a Biological Sciences Assistant (01H), performing research on mosquito and tick-borne viruses and anthrax, and served as the Team Leader for the Aeromedical Isolation Team at USAMRIID (Fort Detrick) for the Ebola Outbreak in Reston VA (1989. Joe earned a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Hood College, Frederick, MD, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Forest Biology from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University.

Joe lives in Virginia with his wife and two high school-aged boys and is the proud grandfather of two elementary-aged granddaughters living in Virginia also.

Check back for more information as it becomes available.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) Workshop:
State of the Science and its Application in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Date: December 8, 2023
Location: USGS MD-DE-DC Water Science Center Conference Room, Catonsville, MD
Format: This is a hybrid meeting.
Time: 9 AM to 3:30 PM (check in at 8:30 AM)

Agenda with links to presentations available.

MWMC eDNA Workshop took place on Friday, December 8, 2023 at the USGS Water Science Center in Catonsville, MD. Six eDNA researchers shared their experiences, knowledge, and wisdom on a range of topics that included development of eDNA as a monitoring tool, field and lab best practices, eDNA results interpretation and how to communicate them, and case studies of how eDNA is/can be used for natural resource management.
