Permits and Regulations
The Department of Natural Resources is charged with protecting underwater grasses in Maryland's Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. Currently, there are three primary laws that protect SAV from disruption in Maryland’s tidal waterways. These laws do not apply to State lakes.
*Article-Natural Resources § 4-213 was amended during the 2024 legislative session to reduce the allowable width of SAV removal for navigational purposes from 60 feet to 20 feet. This removal of SAV to the navigable channel is allowable without approval from the Department, however, any entity removing SAV under the provisions of this Article is required to contact the Department for information on best harvesting methods and to provide the Department with the location where SAV will be altered or removed, and the date on which the alteration or removal will occur.
If you are planning to alter or remove SAV under the provisions of
Article-Natural Resources § 4-213 for navigation purposes, please answer the questions and submit the form linked here:
Notification for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Removal
If you are applying for an SAV collection permit for scientific research or SAV restoration purposes, please answer the questions and submit the form linked here:
Application for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
Harvest Permit for Restoration, Mitigation, or Research
For more information on SAV regulations or permitting, contact Brooke Landry at