The Lower Susquehanna River Watershed Assessment (LSRWA) Team
The Lower Susquehanna River Watershed Assessment
Created in September 2011, the LSRWA team is a group of experts and scientists from federal and state agencies whose purpose is to estimate and evaluate the quantities of sediment (and associated nutrients) flowing downstream to the system of hydroelectric dams located on the Susquehanna River.
When it formed, the team, led by the Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Agency - Chesapeake Bay Program, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Baltimore District, entered into a three-year, $1.4 million study. The LSRWA has now published the final report of its findings and recommendations for future sediment and nutrient management in the river that will better protect water quality and aquatic life in the Chesapeake Bay.

Photo of Conowingo Dam by Jane Thomas (UMCES-IAN)