General Stocking Information
Maryland’s coldwater hatcheries produce approximately 240,000 adult rainbow, golden rainbow, and brown trout annually to meet the demands of the Put-and-Take stocking program. More than 100 waterbodies in 19 counties are stocked. The trout stocking program is funded by the sale of nontidal fishing licenses, trout stamps, and federal Sport Fish Restoration Program funds.

To stay up to date on the department’s stocking activites, we recommend checking the stocked locations table below during stocking season. Additionally, the department posts stocking updates on
Facebook and
X and through its
email news service. Anglers may also call 800-688-3467 and press option #1 to get a recorded weekly update when stocking is in process (usually updated on Fridays).
Put-and-take areas have a five-trout limit and specific spring closures depending on location. Consult the Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing for closure dates and special management area restrictions. The daily limit in areas that are not put-and-take or special management areas is two trout with no minimum size and no closed season.
Brook trout regulations prohibit harvest of brook trout and require catch and release only in all put-and-take trout areas and all waters east of Interstate 81. Anglers should take time to properly identify and release brook trout, which are not stocked by the department.
Know Your Trout
Help To Stop Poachers
Reminder - If you spot poaching please call or text 443-433-4112, email, or report violations using the department’s
free mobile app. A cash reward is available for information leading to an arrest and conviction of a violator.
Felt Soled Waders and Shoe Ban
Felt-soled waders and wading shoes are now banned in the State of Maryland. Further information can be found through our
FAQ on the felt sole ban.