Juvenile Index: Encountered Species Since 1954
- Alewife:
Abundance Data and Graphs , Fish Facts
- Amberjack
- American Eel: Fish Facts
- American Shad:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Atlantic Croaker:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Atlantic Menhaden:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Atlantic Needlefish
- Atlantic Silverside:
Abundance Data and Graphs
- Atlantic Spadefish
- Atlantic Thread Herring
- Banded Killifish
- Bay Anchovy:
Abundance Data and Graphs
- Black Crappie: Fish Facts
- Black Drum: Fish Facts
- Blackcheek Tonguefish
- Blue Catfish: Fish Facts
- Blueback Herring:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Bluefish:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Bluegill: Fish Facts
- Bluespotted Sunfish
- Bluntnose Minnow
- Bridle Shiner
- Brown Bullhead
- Butterfish
- Carp: Fish Facts
- Chain Pickerel: Fish Facts
- Channel Catfish:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Comely Shiner
- Cownose Ray
- Crevalle Jack
- Dusky Pipefish
- Fallfish
- Feather Blenny
- Fourspine Stickleback
- Gizzard Shad: Fish Facts
- Golden Shiner
- Goldfish
- Halfbeak
- Harvestfish
- Hickory Shad: Fish Facts
- Hogchoker
- Inland Silverside
- Inshore lizardfish
- Ladyfish
- Largemouth Bass: Fish Facts
- Lined Seahorse
- Logperch
- Longear Sunfish
- Longnose Gar: Fish Facts
- Mosquitofish
- Mummichog:
Abundance Data and Graphs
- Naked Goby
- Northern Hogsucker
- Northern Kingfish
- Northern Pipefish
- Northern Puffer
- Northern Sea Robin
- Oyster Toadfish
- Pigfish
- Pumpkinseed
- Quillback
- Rainwater Killifish
- Red Drum: Fish Facts
- Redbreast Sunfish
- Redear Sunfish
- River Chub
- Rough Silverside
- Satinfin Shiner
- Sheepshead Minnow
- Shorthead Redhorse
- Silver Perch
- Silverjaw Minnow
- Silvery Minnow:
- Skilletfish
- Smallmouth Bass: Fish Facts
- Southern Kingfish
- Spanish Mackerel
- Spot:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Spotfin Killifish
- Spotfin Shiner
- Spottail Shiner:
Abundance Data and Graphs
- Spotted Seatrout: Fish Facts
- Striped Bass/White Bass Hybrid
- Striped Anchovy
- Striped Bass:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- Striped Bass, Hatchery Origin
- Striped Blenny
- Striped Killifish
- Striped Mullet
- Summer Flounder: Fish Facts
- Swallowtail Shiner
- Tessellated Darter
- Threadfin Shad
- Tiger Muskie: Fish Facts
- Walleye: Fish Facts
- Warmouth
- Weakfish: Fish Facts
- Webbed Burrfish
- White Catfish: Fish Facts
- White Crappie
- White Mullet
- White Perch:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts
- White Sucker
- Winter Flounder
- Yellow Perch:
Abundance Data and Graphs, Fish Facts