Trout Put and Take Stocking

Hatchery Fish Truck Regional Operations and the cold water biologists coordinate the Put and Take Trout project. Trout are cultured by the Hatcheries Division. The goal of the project is to enhance recreational fishing opportunities in Maryland. Currently, the project stocks brown trout and rainbow trout in rivers, streams and ponds throughout the state. Trout are reared to fingerling size at Albert Powell Hatchery and Bear Creek Hatchery. Many fingerlings are grown to catchable size in raceways at Albert Powell and Bear Creek. Trout to be stocked in southern and eastern Maryland are grown at Manning Hatchery and Unicorn Hatchery.

The program grows more than 200,000 trout annually for stocking. Approximately 10% of these fish are stocked as trophy size trout.​​

Stocking Trout  Brown Trout in water