Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee and Management Archived Meetings

To view meetings of the Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee and Management after June 1, 2017 go to the meetings page.
meetings prior to June 1, 2017 are listed below
- 5/25/2017 - Postponed
Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, Blue Crab Centric Meeting
- 5/23/2017 - Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission, Blue Crab Centric Meeting
- 5/11/2017 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
- 4/1/2017 - Recreational Blue Crab Season
- 2/6/2017 - BLUE CRAB — Commercial Atlantic Time Change and Statewide Clarifications Hearing
- 1/27/2017 - PN: Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 8/25/2016 - Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 8/11/2016 - PN: Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 6/27/2016 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 6/6/2016 - Cancelled
Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 5/5/2016 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 4/29/2016 - PN: Corrected 2016 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Fishery
- 4/4/2016 - ASMFC Jonah Crab Hearing
- 3/18/2016 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limits and Crew Requirements
- 2/23/2016 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
- 2/4/2016 - Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 1/27/2016 - PN: Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 1/21/2016 -
Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting Cancelled
- 12/1/2015 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
- 8/11/2015 - Hearing on Recreational Crabbing License Term and Exemption
- 7/14/2015 - PN: Corrected 2015 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Fishery
- 6/30/2015 - Public Hearing - Draft Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Jonah Crab
- 6/30/2015 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 6/10/2015 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 6/1/2015 - PN: 2015 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Fishery
- 5/11/2015 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 3/24/2015 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit And Crew Requirements
- 2/12/2015 - Blue Crab Regulatory Hearing
- 2/5/2015 - PN: Regulatory Hearing on Proposed Peeler Crabs and Crabbing Gear Markings
- 9/24/2014 - Cancer Crab Public Hearing
- 8/27/2014 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 7/9/2014 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 6/10/2014 - PN: 2014 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Season
- 5/22/2014 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 3/25/2014 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 3/5/2014 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
- 11/5/2013 - PN: Public Hearing on Proposed Blue Crab Regulations
- 8/6/2013 - PN: Commercial Horseshoe Crab Fishery Modifications
- 8/2/2013 - PN: 2013 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Daily Landing Limit Modifications
- 6/25/2013 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
- 6/20/2013 - PN: 2013 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Daily Landing Limit
- 6/5/2013 - PN: 2013 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification
- 5/15/2013 - Regulatory Open House – Gear
- 5/14/2013 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 5/9/2013 - Regulatory Open House – Crabs & Gear
- 5/2/2013 - Regulatory Open House – Crabs & Gear
- 4/25/2013 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 3/29/2013 - Charter Crabbing Meeting
- 3/21/2013 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 2/21/2013 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 1/30/2013 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 11/5/2012 - PN: Extension of Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Season
- 9/5/2012 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Commettee Mtg
- 7/31/2012 - PN: 2012 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Fishery Closure
- 3/20/2012 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Female Hard Crab Catch Limit and Crew Requirements
- 2/13/2012 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 11/14/2011 - PN: 2011 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest
- 10/24/2011 - PN: 2011 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest
- 9/8/2011 - PN: Proposed Crab Regulations Public Hearing
- 8/25/2011 - Temporarily Lifting of the Daily Commercial Crabbing Time Limits
- 6/6/2011 - PN: 2011 Commercial Horseshoe Crab Harvest Modification
- 6/2/2011 - PN: Chesapeake Bay Commercial Mature Femal Hard Crab Catch Limit Revision
- 4/27/2011 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 3/21/2011 - Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
- 3/1/2011 - Maryland Blue Crab Industry Committee
- 12/7/2010 - Crab Housekeeping Regulation Hearing