Public Notices

​For Public Notices prior to June 1, 2017 go to the Archived Public Notices Page.​
expand Category : ATLANTIC MENHADEN ‎(1)
expand Category : BLACK SEA BASS ‎(2)
expand Category : BLUE CRAB ‎(5)
expand Category : BLUEFISH ‎(1)
expand Category : COBIA ‎(1)
expand Category : HORSESHOE CRAB ‎(1)
expand Category : SCUP ‎(1)
expand Category : SHARK ‎(3)
expand Category : SHELLFISH (OYSTERS AND CLAMS) ‎(19)
expand Category : SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE ‎(181)
expand Category : SPANISH MACKEREL ‎(1)
expand Category : SPINY DOGFISH ‎(1)
expand Category : STRIPED BASS ‎(5)
expand Category : SUMMER FLOUNDER ‎(1)
expand Category : YELLOW PERCH ‎(1)

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