Daily Updates of Striped Bass Harvest
In order not to overharvest the striped bass stock of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland utilizes a quota based harvest management system. Harvest monitoring data by gear type is collected using the following methods:
- daily phone reports from check stations operated by volunteers holding fish dealer license
- weekly written log reports from designated check stations
- cumulative totals from eligible licensee's monthly finfish harvest reports and;
- poundage totals from eligible licensee's harvest permits at the conclusion of the season.
The harvest estimates illustrated below are based upon daily check stations reports received by the department on a weekly basis. They are preliminary figures and may change if check station reports are late. These figures are updated as data become available - so check back to this site for updated information.
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast Fisheries Harvest Charts

Questions or comments should be directed to
Casey Marker.