Sunfish and Students


The Maryland Sunfish and Students program is open to classroom teachers and outdoor/nature centers. The Department of Natural Resources supplies equipment, fish, food, teacher’s manual and lessons.

The teachers’ manual includes information on aquarium set-up and maintenance, as well as care and feeding of the fish. Lessons and background information are aligned with NGSS and Environmental Literacy standards. Participants will enjoy raising the Bluegill sunfish in the classroom with their students, engaging and involving them in the care and maintenance of the aquarium, and conducting fish lessons along the way.

In the spring, the fish are to be released as part of a department coordinated release event. Participants must contact their regional fisheries manager to determine an approved location for release. Click here for a list of DNR Freshwater Fisheries Managers by Region​​.

Please register for the program using the registration link below. All interested participants must do this each year, both new and returning. All new participants are required to participate in one of the scheduled training workshops.

Registration for the school year 2024-2025 is now open!
​The deadline to register is July 31st.​

Register for the Sunfish and Students Program here!

Training Workshop(s) and Fish Pickup Information for School Year 2024-2025​​​:


  • Date: TBD
    Time: TBD
    Location: DNR Tawes State Office Building, 580 Taylor Ave, Annapolis, MD 21401
  • Date: TBD
    Time: TBD
    Location: Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave, Frederick, MD 21701

Fish Pickup

  • Location: Navy Stadium Parking Lot # 6
    Time: TBD
  • Location: parking lot near the Hodson Science and Technology Center
    Time:​ TBD

Registered participants will receive details and instructions. If you are registered and are not receiving updates or communication. Please contact,

Substitute(s): If you would like financial assistance to cover the cost of a substitute in order to attend the workshop, please contact



Chelsea Miller
​​Aquatic Resources Education
Chesapeake and Coastal Service
MD Department of Natural Resources
580 Taylor Ave., E-2 Annapolis, MD 21401

Sport Fish Restoration logo 
Sport Fish Restoration logo

