Who can apply

Owners of public and private marinas/facilities in Maryland may apply to DNR for BIG funding. Because privately owned marinas/facilities are more frequently subject to changes in business status (i.e., sale, corporate reorganization, or bankruptcy), the application process for private partners requires several long term commitments and the application process is more involved. 

​For example, privately owned marinas/facilities must, at their own expense, include with the Preliminary Application an independent audit of the company’s business records for the past three years (see the Preliminary Application for additional details).

​A Transient Boaters Needs Assessment​ conducted by Morgan State University in 2021, indicated that for the most part, recreational boaters are able to reserve or obtain a transient slip anywhere in the state. Three hotspot areas were, however, identified as potentially needing additional recreational, transient, dockage: St. Michaels, Annapolis, and Rock Hall. For this reason, applications from these areas will receive priority consideration in DNR's annual evaluation and federal submission process​.


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