How to apply

​​Applicants are strongly encouraged to review all applicable federal and state requirements before submitting a BIG proposal. The Additional Resources section provides helpful links and guides.

Preliminary applications must be received by DNR by April 30 of each year. Once a preliminary application is reviewed and if, upon review, DNR decides to advance the project for federal funding consideration, the applicant will be advised to review the current BIG federal Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and prepare the required USFWS grant application package and submit it back to DNR, typically around August 31 each year (or earlier, if directed).

Electronic submission is preferred. Submit Preliminary Application Form and supporting documents by April 30 to

Li Lan Carson, Federal Projects Lead
Chesapeake and Coastal Service, Department of Natural Resources
Tawes Office Building, E-2
580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410-260-8452, Email:

Because of the competitive nature of this program it is important to note that there is no guarantee of funding and no expenses related to the preparation or submission of the application are eligible for reimbursement from DNR. We encourage applicants to reach out to Program staff to discuss proposals well in advance of the application deadline.