Stamps Needed to Hunt All Migratory Game Birds in Maryland
(including waterfowl)
Migratory game bird hunters are required to purchase these stamps. The proceeds fund migratory game bird research and habitat enhancement on the state’s public lands. Since 1974, stamp sales have provided more than $7 million for migratory game projects.

2021-2022 Winner: Scott CalpinoMaryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp…$15.00
This stamp is required for all migratory game bird hunters (coots, doves, rails, snipe, waterfowl, and woodcock), including persons not required to have a hunting license and holders of senior hunting licenses. Hunters must possess the printed receipt showing proof of purchase of the Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp while hunting migratory game birds. Migratory game bird hunters are not required to sign and attach the Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp to their license. The Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit is issued in conjunction with the Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp.
Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp
From the COMPASS portal at, any Licensing and Registration Service Center, or a Sport License Agent - $29.00
At U.S. Post Offices, National Wildlife Refuges, and at - $25.00
This stamp is required for all waterfowl hunters, including those who are not required to purchase a hunting license, except those under the age of 16. Hunters must have validation showing proof of purchase of the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp in their possession while hunting waterfowl and coots. Waterfowl hunters are no longer required to have the physical Federal Duck Stamp in their possession while hunting. Although the possession of the stamp is no longer required, the U.S. Department of the Interior intends to mail paper stamps to purchasers by March 10 each year.