The Maryland Archery Hunter Survey is a long running citizen science initiative that contributes greatly to the understanding of our State’s wildlife species. The Department of Natural Resources has collected archery hunter observation data for multiple decades and uses this information to track population trends for many wildlife species. Continued participation by archers (using vertical bows or crossbows) is critical to the success of this survey.
The vast amount of data that archery hunters record statewide while pursuing their favorite pastime can be used as a powerful tool to effectively monitor Maryland’s wildlife populations. Archery hunters annually report approximately 15,000 wildlife observations, including many deer. The survey is especially valuable for small game and furbearer species that are otherwise difficult to observe.
*Returning in 2024 – Record Sightings on Access DNR Mobile App*
Starting in 2023-24, survey participants will again have the option to record their sightings using Maryland AccessDNR, the official mobile app of the Department of Natural resources. This free application is available in the App store, the Google Play Store and may also be used to check hunting locations, season dates, location-based sunrise/sunset times and to report harvests directly to DNR.
Use of the mobile app for participation in the survey is optional; if you elect to use the paper form provided in this mailing, please refrain from recording any duplicate sightings on the AccessDNR app.
If you prefer to use a paper form, downloadable copies of the survey form can be found at the link below. It is important that all information be filled out for each hunt. Please ensure that the date and time of each hunt is recorded; without this information we cannot analyze any additional data about that hunt. We ask that you complete the survey in accordance with the instructions found below. Please include your DNRid number at the bottom of the form, and use multiple forms as needed.
Download the free mobile app now!

For more information, please contact:
Joshua Tabora, Furbearer Biologist
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife and Heritage Service
12512 Pleasant Valley Rd.
Flintstone, MD 2150
(301) 777-2136