Meet a few of the Maryland Conservation Corps’ Current Members and Alumni
Carly Brukiewa
Home State: Maryland
Service Location: Assateague State Park
(2022-2023 & 2024-2025)
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I love the environment, and I love Maryland. MCC provides a way for me to serve both and learn many new skills. I am very passionate about the work that we do in our parks because they are the best way that many people in Maryland have to access nature.
Career/Future Goals:
I would like to one day work with the park service full time and continue educating people about the environment!
What I enjoy most about MCC:
I enjoy getting to engage with the public about the environment and the work that we do. I think that environmental education is one of the most powerful tools that we have to save the environment and MCC provides so many great opportunities to engage with lots of different people.
Jake Bonner
Home State: West Virginia
Service Location: Deep Creek Lake State Park
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I plan to pursue a career in the Maryland Park Service, and MCC is a great way to gain experience and build a strong resume. It is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet people from all over the state and work together to get things done.
Career/Future Goals:
I would like to pursue a career as a classified ranger for the Maryland Park Service.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
My favorite part of MCC is working outside with nature every day. I also really enjoy the supportive environment that MCC has. Everyone, from the members to the higher-up staff, is always willing to help at any time, and they always want to see us thrive.
Julie Yapur
Home State: Maryland
Service Location: Fair Hill NRMA
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I wanted to expand my environmental knowledge and have a chance to work outdoors! After finishing a degree that focused more on the policy side of natural resources, I was looking for a job with more hands-on experiences regarding conservation.
Career/Future Goals:
I’d love to continue working in conservation, particularly in the Chesapeake Bay region. As we face new challenges and changes to our environment, the work and education that this program provides continues to be critical.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
I’ve really enjoyed working with the different offices within DNR, as well as the partner organizations for various projects this past year. My first MCC term allowed me to expand my network as well as learn about new fields and positions related to conservation that I could pursue in the future.
Jalen Savoy
Home State: Maryland
Service Location: Gunpowder Falls State Park
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I want to help aid conservation in natural areas around the world.
Career/Future Goals:
To become a conservationist or be a game warden.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
The different things we do on a daily basis, it is a nice mix in the workplace!
Makaila Ballah
Home State: Maryland
Service Location: Patapsco Valley State Park
Joining MCC was important to me because:
Joining was important to me because I knew this program would give me the opportunity to learn and apply different land management techniques for the betterment of my state and community. I plan to use the skills I’ve acquired in my future career.
Career/Future Goals:
My career goal is to be a wildlife manager.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
What I enjoy most about MCC are the various training opportunities we have access to for free! My favorite training courses so far have been Basic Chainsaw Operation, Hunter Safety Education, and Close Quarters Defense training.
Daniel Balinger
Home State: Maryland
Service Location: South Mountain Recreation Area
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I was a seasonal ranger before joining MCC and felt like I had done most of everything I could in that position. I saw MCC as a good next step for me to get new training opportunities and experiences which were different from what I had as a seasonal ranger.
Career/Future Goals:
I hope to continue with DNR.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
I love the culture around MCC. Everyone is always so kind and helpful. The vibes are always good.
Ava Fries
Home State: Connecticut
Service Location: Assateague State Park
Joining MCC was important to me because:
I was really excited to start getting hands-on work experience in the park service. I've always been super passionate about conservation and being able to educate others on the importance of protecting our outdoor spaces, and being able to work with a larger group of people with similar interests and goals has been a truly amazing experience.
Career/Future Goals:
I'm not really sure what I want my long-term career to be, but I know for the next couple of years I hope to be able to work around the country with different park services/ conservation organizations.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
what I most enjoy about MCC is the people that I've been able to work with and meet through the various programs we do. I've had a great time being able to talk to and learn from people who are more educated and experienced than me, and I've also had a really fun time getting to talk to people outside of the park service and getting to teach them about our parks and the ways that they can enjoy and preserve our environment.
Maria Fetter
Home State: Maryland
Crew Location: Gunpowder Falls State Park
Joining MCC was important to me because:
Joining MCC is important to me because it has opened doors for me to further my career in environmental science, ecology, and conservation. It's also an opportunity for me to learn new skills, meet new people, and serve my community and parks.
Career/ Future Goals:
I am working towards becoming an ecologist, educator, and conservationist, focusing primarily on community ecology.
What I enjoy most about MCC:
What I enjoy most about MCC is difficult to narrow down, as there are many things that I enjoy. Most of all, I enjoy the people in the program, and being able to spend my time outside rather than inside at a desk in a cubicle.