Part 4: Grassland Vegetation

Part 4: Grassland Vegetation

A Kaleidoscope Of Color

Presented in this display is a collection of photos of the different wildflowers found here at Soldier’s Delight!

Soldiers Delight is not an easy place for vegetation to grow due to high levels of heavy metals in the ground, so plants need to use techniques to survive this harsh growing environment. Some techniques include deep roots, tough stems, and special systems for retaining water and nutrients.

Just because these wildflowers grow in such an extreme environment, it doesn’t mean they are dull. These wildflowers are still able to produce many vibrant colors.

Indian Grass

This is a close-up photo of Indian Grass which has a red stem and white grain sprouting from it.

Indian grass is a native flowering stem to the serpentine grassland, and is rejuvenated by periodic fire.

Blazing Star

This photo of a blazing star shows that it has a greenish, red stock and pink flowers sprouting out of it.

The Blazing Star is another native wildflower to the Serpentine Grassland. As with other grassland flowers, it grows best in full sunlight.

Serpentine Chickweed

This photo of serpentine chickweed shows us its ability to grow in harsh conditions. Even in the rocky terrain, it still sprouts many bright white flowers.

The Serpentine Chickweed is a descendant of the Common Chickweed and is quickly evolving to a new serpentine species. This plant cannot survive in the shade.

Fame Flower

This is a photo of fame flowers growing in rocky terrain and sprouting light pink flowers.

The Fame Flower is a State Endangered Species that requires exposed mineral soil to complete its life cycle. Most fame flowers open during hot summer days for only an hour or so before closing.

Serpentine Aster

This photo of Serpentine Aster depicts another wildflower able to grow in harsh, rocky terrain. It is growing straight up with a sturdy green stock and is sprouting white flowers from the top.

Serpentine Aster is another State Endangered Species which occurs in Maryland and only on serpentine soil. It is most abundant in patches of exposed serpentine soil scattered throughout the Grassland.

Pink Lady's Slipper

Here is a photo of the unique Pink Lady Slipper. The two flowers are growing at the base of a tree and have their pink petals open and facing the sun.

The Pink Lady's Slipper is a large wildflower and is part of the orchid family. It's found along the East Coast of the United States and blooms between May and July.

This flower thrives in dry, acidic soil, which is found throughout the Soldiers Delight trailways.


This photo of the Indian Pipe flower really displays it’s ghostly features. It shows their thick white stocks and white flower petals closed and facing the ground.

Indian-Pipe, also known as the Ghost Plant, is a wildflower that can be found throughout the United States. Standing between 4 and 10 inches, it can be found around the roots of American Beech and Pine trees.

With the wide variety of Pine trees here at Soldiers Delight, be sure to look for the Indian-Pipe during its flowering season in early June through September.

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