PPRP has designated the first Wednesday of each month from 1-4pm for pre-application meetings with developers as required under
COMAR (A). Applicants must email PPRP with a requested date and time to meet at least two weeks prior to a meeting. The email must include presentation slides, a preliminary site plan, and the completed
Pre-Application Checklist. Please email
pprp.dnr@maryland.gov with your request or any related questions.
Applicants will be assigned 45 minutes, including time for questions, to present on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning at 1pm on their requested date.
Remaining dates for 2024 are as follows:
Dates for 2025 are as follows:
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 7th
- June 4th
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 7th
- June 4th
Once received by PPRP, the Applicant will receive a Google Meet invitation for their designated time frame.