The Power Plant Research Program (PPRP) was established in 1971 to ensure that Maryland could meet its demands for electric power in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost, while protecting the State’s valuable natural resources.
This Fact Book has been prepared by power plant as a service to electricity users in Maryland. It is intended to provide current information on power generation in the State, for the use of State agencies, industrial and residential electricity consumers, and the interested public.
The Power Plant Research Program coordinates the State’s comprehensive review of new power plants and associated facilities as part of the state and federal licensing process. The program also conducts a range of research and monitoring projects on existing and proposed power plants. PPRP biennially produces a Cumulative Environmental Impact Report (CEIR) which provides information on the current status of knowledge regarding the effects of power generation on the State’s natural resources. A bibliography which lists the general and site-specific reports that the Power Plant Research Program has produced since the early 1970s is also available.
If you want more information, or to request a copy of the CEIR, bibliography, or other reports, contact Power Plant Research Program at 410-260-8660. Click here to download the
Electricity in Maryland - Fact Book 2014