Horseshoe Crabs

Identifying Spawning Habitat: Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking your help in identifying shoreline used as horseshoe crab spawning habitat in our State of Maryland. If you see horseshoe crabs spawning on beaches in Maryland while fishing, please document the location (GPS coordinates if possible) then click on "Add Data" to input the information on this map. ​

For horseshoe crabs in the Chesapeake Bay please contact Marek Topolski at 410-260-8263 or by email at For horseshoe crabs in Maryland coastal bays please contact Steve Doctor at or 410-213-1531.

Horseshoe Crab Tags: If you should find a tagged horseshoe crab, record the tag number, location of observance, and condition of animal, and report this information online - Horseshoe Crab Resighting Form. It is not necessary to remove the tag. Those who report a tagged horseshoe crab may receive a reward.