In 2013, Mettiki Coal, LLC and Maryland Fishing and Boating Services renewed their joint cooperative agreement to culture trout at Mettiki’s acid mine drainage treatment plant on Table Rock Road in Garrett County. The new advanced hatchery infrastructure was funded and constructed by Mettiki Coal. Fishing and Boating Services outfitted the facility with fish production systems and performs all operational and management tasks. The hatchery was completed in July 2014.
The project consists of twelve 1,000-gallon circular tanks used for trout grow-out culture
from fingerling to juvenile size, and two 210-gallon circular tanks
used for hatching trout and fry stages. Production water is supplied through
a 10” water line from the Mettiki Coal company treatment plant clarifier.

Plant clarifier serves as the water supply source providing up to 1000gpm.
Supply water first passes through a degassing and oxygenation system to remove
undesirable dissolved gasses (nitrogen, carbon dioxide) and then through a
LHO (low head oxygen) system to increase the dissolved oxygen content in
the water supply. Water then passes through an ultraviolet disinfection
system before entering the culture building.
Mettki Hatchery annually receives and hatches two deliveries of rainbow
trout eggs from the federal hatcheries egg program. The first shipment
arrives in December and another one arrives in late February.
Mettiki Hatchery then supplies Bear Creek Hatchery with all their production
fingerling for the spring stocking season. Fish are transferred at different
intervals to keep Bear Creek Hatchery at desired density loading throughout
the summer months when undesirable water temperatures and flow rates are common.
The initial transfers begin in May and the final transfers are typically in late September.
For more information concerning Mettiki Hatchery, contact Mark Harman at 301-746-8148