Project WILD Facilitator Resources

Welcome Facilitators!

Thank you for being the front line for providing Project WILD training across the state. This page is your source for the most up-to-date workshop forms. Please use the forms below when submitting your workshop reports to the state Project WILD coordinator. In addition to these resources, facilitators can access more by clicking the button below​​.

​​​ owl on top of the resource guide​ ​

​Before the Workshop

​During the Workshop​

After the Workshop

Useful Links


State Project WILD Coordinator Contact Information:

Are you interested in training other educators how to use the Project WILD guide? Each year, we provide a volunteer facilitator training to interested adults. Please contact the state coordinator below to get on the information list.

Sarah B. Witcher
Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife and Heritage Service
580 Taylor Avenue, E-1
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

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