Deep Creek Lake Natural Resources Management Area

Part of the State park system, the State of Maryland owns Deep Creek Lake, the land under the lake and the strip of land that surrounds it. Management policies and regulations are in place that are designed to protect the recreational and environmental qualities of the lake and its ecosystem.

Listed below are a number of informational materials and application forms that may be used by property owners and other permitted users of the park buffer strip around Deep Creek Lake. Simply "click" on the underlined guidelines or forms that you are interested in reading or downloading and completing.

Regulatory and Land Use Information

  • Deep Creek Lake Regulations COMAR .08.08 - These regulations govern use of the lake and buffer strip by adjoining private and commercial property owners. They are part of the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and form the basis for DNR’s management of the lake and buffer strip. Questions about these regulations can be answered by a park ranger at 301-387-4111.
  • State Park Regulations COMAR .08.07 - The lake and buffer strip are part of Maryland's state park system. These regulations apply to the recreational use of the lake and buffer strip.
  • Deep Creek Lake Boating Regulations COMAR .08.18.33 - Using a boat on Deep Creek Lake? We have some specific requirements for recreational boaters.
  • Statewide Personal Watercraft Regulations COMAR .08.18.02 - For users of personal watercraft on Deep Creek Lake.
  •  Conservation Easement - If you own, or are considering purchasing property during the DNR land sale, this easement will control certain aspects of the use of your property. Landowners with questions about the easement should contact the Deep Creek Lake Management Office at 301-387-4111. To request approval for improvements to easement property or for the approval of uses associated with private conservation easement parcels adjoining Deep Creek Lake NRMA, a Conservation Easement Alteration application​ must be submitted.
  • Special Permits and Conservation Easement Alterations Guidelines - If you are considering making improvements to park property at your buffer strip use permit site, or conducting maintenance activities on the park buffer strip, read this document to see what may be permitted.
  •  Special Permit General Conditions - If you receive a special permit for improvements or maintenance of the buffer strip, these general conditions will apply, in addition to any other conditions outlined in the permit itself.

Lake Permit Applications

The following forms can be accessed and printed out for use in applying for dock permits, permission to improve or maintain park property, conduct commercial uses, or to seek development approvals.

  • Buffer Strip Use Permit Application (06/24) - For recreational privileges other than those enjoyed by the general public, including dock permits, on the park buffer strip. This application should also be completed by new lake property owners of property for which the previous owner maintained a dock on the lake. If you already have a copy of the deed, use this version of the form.
  • Special Permit Application - Use this application to apply for permission to cut trees or brush, do maintenance to park property, make improvements, erect a shed or gazebo, and similar activities, or to conduct a commercial business on the lake or buffer strip.
  • Development Permit Application - For property owners who intend to develop or subdivide their property and who anticipate the need for docking and buffer strip use privileges for the development. This permit gives concept approval for your use of park property and governs landowner use of the buffer strip and docking facilities.

Contact Information

To contact the Lake Management Office email