Tuckahoe & Martinak State Parks Fitness Trail Quest

Visit either Tuckahoe State Park and/or Martinak State Park and head out to the Fitness Trail to learn more about our native wildlife and get some exercise! Print off a copy of this activity sheet ahead of time and follow the signs along the Fitness Trail.

Tuckahoe & Martinak State Parks Fitness Trail Quest​

Tuckahoe State Park: The Fitness Trail is located in Tuckahoe State Park's Lake Picnic area, halfway between the parking lot and the Restrooms will be the trail head, it is marked with a sign. The trail winds its way back and forth through the pine trees with several exits to the parking lot allowing visitors to choose the distance they would like to hike, 1 mile, 2 miles, or 3 miles.

Tuckahoe State Park Trail Map​

Tuckahoe State Park
13070 Crouse Mill Road
Queen Anne, MD 21657

Hours: Sunrise to Sunset

Tuckahoe Creek, a quiet country stream bordered for most of its length by wooded marshlands, runs through the length of the park. A 60-acre lake offers boating and fishing. The park has 20 miles of scenic hiking, biking and equestrian trails, flat water canoeing, hunting, picnicking, as well as a recycled tire playground for children.

Martinak State Park: The Fitness Trail head at Martinak State Park is located across from the office, this is a paved trail that travels throughout the park and loops back up towards the office for a 1 mile hike. There is a parking area on the left that is in between the trailhead and exit.

Martinak State Park Trail Map

You can get a sneak peak of the Fitness Trail at Martinak here in one of our Virtual Ranger Experience Videos​

Martinak State Park
Location: Two miles east of Denton, off Rte. 404, on Deep Shore Road

Hours: 8 a.m. to Sunset

George Martinak deeded this land of forests, fields and marsh to the state in 1961 for preservation as a recreational facility and a natural area for the enjoyment of all. Bordered by the Choptank River and Watts Creek, this area supports a wide variety of plant and animal life. Anglers may enjoy the opportunity to catch bass, perch, sunfish and catfish. The park is located with hardwood and pine forests on the Choptank River and Watts Creek. Modern campsites and boating access are available. Amenities include hiking trails, playground, shelters and a nature center. Pets are allowed in all areas of the park except the shelter and cabins.
