Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Forestry Department is open by appointment only.

Currently there are over 1,200 Licensed Tree Experts in Maryland.
Click here to find a Licensed Tree Expert
Click here to Make a Tree Company Complaint Click here to Make a Tree Company Complaint Online
This form is for persons wishing to make a complaint against a person or company they believe did not perform the work they proposed; or for someone to make a complaint against a person or company they believe is not properly licensed to perform tree care/removal work. Please print and fill in the form then mail it to the appropriate address at the bottom of form. You can also email the form and all supporting documents to
Applications are to be reviewed and confirmed, prior registration is required.
Apply to Become a Licensed Tree Expert License Renewal & Continuing Education
MOSH Safety Bulletin
Who must have a license?
All tree care professionals practicing in Maryland must obtain a license. Without a license, they may not practice or advertise tree care services in the state. To obtain a license, the applicant must possess adequate and related college education plus one year of experience under a LTE or have three years experience under a Licensed Tree Expert (LTE), then have passed an exam and carry adequate amounts of liability and property damage insurance. The license is a two year license renewed in December.
Contact Us
Chip Broadwater
LTE Compliance & Training Coordinator
Maryland Forest Service
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
580 Taylor Avenue
Tawes State Office Building, E-1
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
(410) 260-8517