My First Fish

Image of the My First Fish CertificateMy First Fish recognizes a new angler's achievement of catching their first fish. A certificate with the angler's name, date, species caught, length, and fishing buddy or Captain will be awarded to commemorate the event. When your youngster has accomplished this achievement, click on My First Fish Certificate and fill out the form. Fill it out online and you'll receive a printable pdf to print on your color printer. You can also submit a photo for inclusion on the top right corner of the award by sending it to​.


  • Any fish is eligible that is caught in Maryland waters.
  • All fish that do not comply with Maryland law or regulations must be immediately returned to the water.
  • Any angler is eligible regardless of age.

 girl holding a yellow perch  Little girl and her fgrandfather holding up a rainbow trout​ ​​ Boy holding a big invasive blue catfish on a boat