Barbara Johnston, Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Director
Barbara Johnston, Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Deputy Director for DNR
Supervises all Department of Natural Resources lab projects as Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Deputy Director-DNR, and assists Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Director-NOAA with joint NOAA/DNR activities. Leads the Fishing and Boating Services Aquatic Animal Health Program supervising projects for wild fish health research and monitoring, shellfish health research and monitoring, and the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory. Develops and implements fish health policy, oversees fish and shellfish health issues for imports and in-state movements, and works with Fishing and Boating Services Freshwater Fisheries Program staff to manage permitting activities. As an Aquatic Animal Health Inspector, works with Fishing and Boating Services fish culture facilities on annual fish health inspections, fish health problems, and best management practices. Represents Maryland as the fish health specialist on inter-jurisdictional fish health issues and committees such as the Northeast Fish Health Committee.
Jennifer Jones, Administrative OfficerFunctions as the Chief of Administration at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory to provide comprehensive fiscal year budget and grant preparation, functions as DNR’s facility manager for lab-wide administrative duties and assists in preparation of contract documents.
Anthony Radmer, Grounds MaintenanceMaintains the grounds of the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory in order to present a clean and professional appearance to the public and ensure a safe outdoor working environment for employees.
Gary Culver, Aquatic Sampling Manager and Vessel CaptainServes as captain aboard the NOAA research vessel Chesapeake, plus a variety of smaller outboard federal vessels. Provides safe procedural guidance for watercraft involved in scientific research, educational tours, and collaborative use by outside sources. Co-develops and instructs the laboratory's annual NOAA Small Boat and Emergency Refresher Training, the In-Water Safety Equipment Training, and additional safety training courses for assigned state and federal staff. Directly supports the Department of Natural Resources Fishing and Boating Services as Eastern Region certified instructor for First Aid, CPR and AED two-year certified course requirement.
George Edmonds, GIS AnalystProject: Geospatial Mapping
Leads the creation, analysis, and QA/QC maintenance of Fishing and Boating Services spatial data for use in mapping applications and other related mapping products. Performs statistical and spatial analysis on datasets for scientific purposes using Geographical Information Systems. Provides advice, guidance and assistance to other GIS users and provides training when necessary. Manages and manipulates shellfish, finfish, and wildlife data in support of healthy Chesapeake Bay ecosystems and constituent services.
Brian Preziosi, Shellfish PathologistProject: Shellfish Health
Provides diagnostic examinations to detect known and emerging mollusk pathogens, parasites, and pathologies of wild and aquaculture shellfish in Maryland waters. These activities inform DNR resource managers about the health status of economically and ecologically important aquatic resources and provide guidance to the DNR Aquaculture Program and private shellfish aquaculture.
Mark Matsche, Fish PathologistProject: Wild Fish Health
Leads health-related research and diagnostics of wild fish populations and provides pathology and diagnostic services supporting state hatchery-reared fish. Projects focus on investigations of infectious disease (e.g. bacterial disease in striped bass) and non-infectious diseases (e.g. liver tumors and contaminant exposures in white perch). Collaborates with state, federal, and university partners to conduct basic and applied research on potential associations between fish health and environmental quality. Provides diagnostic services for the investigation of fish kills or unusual disease outbreaks.
Kevin Rosemary, Natural Resources BiologistProject: Finfish Health
Conducts fish health sampling, research, and response, contributing to the conservation of natural resource species. This includes the design, implementation, and management of field and laboratory studies aimed at determining the extent, severity, and progression of disease among fish resident in the State of Maryland. Manages a freshwater Wildfish health project that focuses on the survey of and collection of health information on wild fish populations through the State of Maryland.
Darren Kirkendall, Natural Resources Biologist
Project: Finfish Heath
Assists in fish health monitoring and research projects in Chesapeake Bay and non-tidal waterways in MD. Operates small vessels and uses a variety of fishing gear to collect fish and water quality data. Performs fish necropsy procedures and collects samples for analysis including samples for hematology, histology, microbiology, parasitology and molecular testing for disease identification. Assists in the implementation of field surveys to determine prevalence, distribution, and severity of disease in fish populations. Assists with the response to marine mammal and sea turtle stranding events for the state of Maryland to ensure rapid and efficient response to dead stranded animals and to collect pertinent data
Amanda Weschler, Natural Resources Biologist/Stranding Response CoordinatorProject: Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Response
Coordinates and responds to all deceased marine mammals and sea turtles in Maryland waters. Conducts and leads necropsy examinations in the lab and field. Additional responsibilities include the management of samples collected for diagnostic analysis, all stranding cases and associated data, and marine mammal and sea turtle related grant writing and management. Collaborates with state and federal agencies regarding stranded animals, and works with stranding collaborators, students, and volunteers to provide research and training opportunities.
Chloe Jacobson, Natural Resources Biologist/Stranding Response BiologistProject: Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Response
Assists in the coordination and response to all deceased marine mammals and sea turtles in the state of Maryland. Executes standard necropsy procedures and tissue sampling for diagnostic analysis. Monitors the stranding response hotline (1-800-628-9944) and
Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Tracker. Coordinates database management to ensure the quality and accuracy of all collected data for submission to the national Marine Mammal Health & Stranding Response Program and Sea Turtle Stranding & Salvage Network. Leads the Stranding Response Program's Outreach and Volunteer Network, including the recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers. Contact Chloe with press/media inquiries and questions regarding outreach appearances, educational presentations and intern/volunteer opportunities.
Michele Williams,
Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory Manager
Project: Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Manages day-to-day operations of the Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory. Coordinates activities within the laboratory to provide timely inspections and diagnostic investigations of wild fish and hatchery-raised fish as well as support research and monitoring projects within the finfish, wild fish, and shellfish health programs.
Ammar Hanif,
Natural Resources Biologist
Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Aquatic Animal Health Biologist specializing in environmental DNA (eDNA) and biomolecular techniques. Uses molecular tools to identify and characterize various aquatic and marine diseases to support the Fishing and Boating Services hatchery fish health inspection and diagnostic programs, the wild fish health program, and the shellfish health program. Conducts laboratory analysis in the Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory's virology, bacteriology, and histology labs.
Carrie Hoover,
Natural Resources Biologist
Project: Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory biologist conducting bacteriology, parasitology, histology, and virology analyses to support Fishing and Boating Services hatchery fish health inspection and diagnostic programs, the wild fish health program, and the shellfish health program.
Stuart Lehmann, Natural Resources Biologist/Histotechnologist
Project: Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory
Diagnostics and Histology Laboratory staff member. Provides diagnostic and histological services to state aquatic animal disease research and health monitoring projects at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory. Performs necropsies, quantitative diagnostic microbiological assays, and routine and special histological processing and staining for protozoan pathogens of molluscs.
Project: Fisheries Habitat and Ecosystems
Keith Lockwood, Fisheries Biologist Writes the weekly fishing reports, fishing related articles and develops content for the Fishing and Boating Services website. Responsible for answering Fishing and Boating Services related customer service inquiries. Maintains state records of Maryland sport fish; verifies and certifies all record submissions and writes related press releases. Tournament director for the Maryland Fishing Challenge award program for trophy sport fish caught by anglers, as well as all catch & release awards and youth fishing programs. Involved in developing video material for the Fishing and Boating Services website and distribution; coordinates the Fishing and Boating Services displays at sportsman's shows as well as outreach and education to the Maryland fishing community.