Oyster Advisory Commission Membership



Rob Witt

Anne Arundel County Oyster Committee

Blair Baltus

Baltimore County Oyster Committee​​

Simon Dean

Calvert County Oyster Committee

Francis Killinski

Charles County Oyster Committee

Cody Paul​

Dorchester County Oyster Committee

Harry White

Kent County Oyster Committee

Troy Wilkins

Queen Anne’s County Oyster Committee

Kevin Horner

Somerset County Oyster Committee

Brian Hite​

St. Mary’s County Oyster Committee

Jeff Harrison

Talbot County Oyster Committee

Keith Bradley

Wicomico County Oyster Committee​

Robert T. Brown

Maryland Watermen’s Association

Jim Mullin

Maryland Oysterman’s Association

Reginal Harrell

Aquaculture Coordinating Council

Dave Sikorski

Coastal Conservation Association

Allison Colden

Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Michelle Dietz

The Nature Conservancy

Ben Ford​

ShoreRivers Riverkeeper Association

Elle Bassett

Arundel Rivers Federation

Anna Killius

Chesapeake Bay Commission 

Maggie Ostdahl​

National Aquarium

Dr. Mike Sieracki

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Scott Knoche

Morgan State University- Patuxent Environmental and Aquatic Research Laboratory

Jason Ruth

Harris Seafood

​Blacks of the Chesapeake Foundation

Johnny Shockley

Blue Oyster Environmental

Angie Sowers

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District

Kevin Schabow​

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chris Judy

Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Del. Todd Morgan​

State Delegate(republican)

Del. Regina Boyce​

State Delegate(democrat)

Sen. Sarah Elfreth

State Senator(democrat)

Sen. Steve Hershey

State Senator(republican)​
