Located in Garrett County

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Fish Species Managed:
(Stocked Trout, Smallmouth Bass) The Casselman River Delayed Harvest area is primarily managed as a trout fishery through the stocking of adult rainbow trout during the spring and fall. A low density smallmouth bass fishery is present in the Casselman River, although the primary draw for anglers is the trout fishery. Native brook trout are present in a number of tributaries to the Casselman River and in the headwaters.
Special Fishing Regulations:
The Casselman River is managed under Maryland's Group II Delayed Harvest trout management regulation from the Pennsylvania state line, upstream to red posts on the south side of Interstate 68. Under these regulations there are two seasons; Catch and Release, Artificial Lures and Flies Only from October 1 through June 15 and five trout per day, no tackle restrictions from June 16 through September 30. Areas upstream of the Delayed Harvest Management Area and all other gamefish and panfish are managed under statewide regulations.
Click here for the current Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing for fishing regulations.
Boating/Access Restrictions:
Access to the Casselman River can be found along nearly the entire reach of the Delayed Harvest Management Area. Public access and parking is available at the upper boundary near Interstate 68 as well as in the Casselman River Bridge State Park. Public access and parking areas along River Road that parallels the river can be identified with Maryland's regulation signs being posted at designated access points. Anglers should be mindful that access to the river is on private property and it is important to respect the landowners property and to leave no trace.
Physical/Habitat Description:
The Casselman River is a wide low gradient meandering river with a variety of habitat types. While the river current is generally slow, anglers can find inviting riffle/run areas as well as deeper runs and deep pools along the entire Delayed Harvest Management Area. The Casselman is one of Western Maryland's easier streams to wade as it is generally composed of smaller cobble size rock. Large boulders are scattered throughout and provide excellent habitat for trout. Anglers are encouraged to check stream flows before visiting as the river is subject to fluctuating flows throughout the year. Generally, the best conditions for fishing are found when flows are under 150 cubic feet per second (cfs).
George Washington crossed the Casselman River (named after an early western Pennsylvania settler) in 1755 with General Braddock's British troops near present-day Grantsville. The first Amish and Mennonite settlers in Garrett County established homesteads along the Casselman River, and horse-drawn buggies and wagons are still a common sight along the river today. Coal was discovered in the watershed during the 1800's, the subsequent acid mine drainage into the river as a result of mining practices eliminated most of its aquatic life. Through abandoned mine reclamation efforts, the river has been restored and now supports a diverse fish and macroinvertebrate community. Recreational trout management in the Casselman River was initiated in 1989 and has become one of Maryland's most popular trout fishing destinations.
Contact Us - Comments and questions regarding fishing in Casselman River can be directed to:
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
1728 King's Run Road Oakland, Maryland 21550
301-334-8218 or