Green Eggs & Sand Program

Attend our 2025 Workshop!
​​​Green Eggs and Sand Flyer

May 3-4 in Stone Harbor, New Jersey. Please check out our flyer for information on how to register and more details.


Green Eggs and Sand is a Tri-State Horseshoe Crab/Shorebird Education Program. The curriculum, designed for middle and high schools students, was developed by coastal managers and teachers from Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware. Teacher workshops are held on the spawning of the horseshoe crab, the interrelationships with other species and how management decisions are made.

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Green Eggs and S​and FAQ's​

The Curriculum​

teacher in classroom settingTeachers developed this curriculum for use by other teachers, with invaluable contributions from numerous professionals and experts.

It is understood that you probably teach diverse learners with a limited amount of space, time, materials, budget, or a combination of all of these factors.

To read about the educational design of the curriculum, click here. This curriculum is designed to meet your needs and those of your students. The completed modules are being updated and will be posted at a later date.

Below are the first three curricular modules' alignments to the three standards. These are designed so you can introduce your students to the lives of horseshoe crabs, their extraordinary history, ecological niche, and interrelationships with other species.

The fourth and culminating module, which is not yet posted, will integrate all this information to prepare students to confront the multi-faceted challenge of managing horseshoe crabs, a natural resource. Parts of this curriculum may be used independently.

Optional extension activities will be included to increase your flexibility. The curriculum will integrate one or more of the following interdisciplinary subjects: history, science, language arts, reading, and math.

Finally, since research on horseshoe crabs and shorebirds is ongoing, links will be provided to websites so that you and your students can keep apprised of recent findings and developments.

Green Eggs and Sand Action Projects

​Educational Design​

"Green Eggs and Sand" is composed of 4 educational modules which systematically guide students through an understanding of the horseshoe crab, its connection to a larger ecosystem (through shorebirds), its use by man, and finally, human attempts to manage this resource, given limited science and multiple stakeholders.

Yet while "Green Eggs and Sand" offers multiple and complex learning opportunities, it has been designed by teachers to be flexible and adaptable for use at various grade levels in both the classroom and the field. Hence, the 4 educational modules can be taught as sequential learning blocks, but also independently of one another. For example, if you are teaching lower grades and interested primarily in science and math, Modules 1 and 2 can engage children with their focus on anatomy, ecology, and hands-on activities.

At the same time, those interested in higher grade level exploration of the issues and impacts on the human use and management side of this topic, may wish to focus their studies on the material provided in modules 3 and 4.

As such, module 3 introduces man's relationship to this natural phenomenon while also introducing social science activities such as history, economics, and statistics. It makes clear mankind's increasing dependence on an animal that the larger ecosystem depends upon.

Finally, Module 4 addresses how increasing human use of a resource is managed - or when limited science meets the politics of management. This module is noteworthy because it uses the horseshoe crab harvesting controversy, the limited data, and the insights of actual stakeholders, scientists, and managers as material for the lessons. Ultimately, students are asked to examine their own values and beliefs regarding this resource by developing and justifying their own management plan.

Video segments are used to introduce all 4 modules as well as to supplement specific lessons where appropriate. In the earlier modules, these clips provide background, context, and a "feel" for what it's like to be out on the beaches experiencing the birds and the crabs. In Module 4, video segments are used throughout as part of the lessons. These clips are primarily interviews with scientists, stakeholders, and managers and should be reviewed before presenting them to a class.

And since there is still much more to understand about this phenomenon, educators are encouraged to adapt these exercises or develop their own as new scientific data is published. With this background in mind, we wish you well in using these materials, and encourage you to get your students out on the beach to witness the spectacle.

Sport Fish Restoration