Green Eggs and Sand Action Projects

  1. Conservation:  Participate in the Art and Poetry Contest, which has the potential to provide funding for horseshoe crab conservation.
    Participate in the art competition sponsored by Ecological Research and Development Group. This group, (, is a non-profit with the mission to conserve the remaining four horseshoe crab species.  Poetry and art submissions are used to create posters and then sold to raise money to fulfill its mission.
    ERDG Horseshoe Crab and the Arts Competition
  2. Research:

  3. Conservation: Conduct a ‘just flip’em’ event.

    Visit a Delaware, Maryland or New Jersey beach during spawning season (May-July). Walk the beach and flip over stranded horseshoe crabs and/or return them to the water if needed. Port Mahon in particular is lethal for horseshoe crabs as there is an extensive amount of rip rap that traps them.

  4. Education: Staff a horseshoe crab exhibit at a public or school event.

    You can contact Stacy Epperson at  for advice and to potential obtain display items. (County fair, environmental fair, school event)

  5. Education: Participate in the Raising Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom Program
    (Maryland teachers only)
Sport Fish Restoration