How to Fund your Living Shoreline

  1. Shoreline Erosion Loan Program
  2. Resiliency through Restoration
  3. What does this fund?
    Design, permitting, construction, and adaptive management of shoreline restoration or stormwater projects that address flooding and/or erosion. Permitting fees are not eligible.

    What are the basic requirements?
    Projects must 1) provide community-wide coastal protection benefits to community infrastructure/assets, 2) be nature-based, 3) consider climate change data and address future conditions.

    Who is eligible?
    Local Governments and Nonprofits

    What type of property is eligible?
    Public, Private, Community

    For more information and how to apply? See Grants Gateway Outcome 3

  4. Watershed Assistance Grant Program which is managed by the Chesapeake Bay Trust

*We do not fund structural solutions such as bulkh​eads, revetments etc.*