Resiliency through Restoration Initiative

The Chesapeake and Coastal Service supports communities to address adaptation in three phases: Understand, Plan, and Implement. Each phase reflects a step towards a resilient community that addresses the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Deal Island, post-construction. 

The Resiliency through Restoration Initiative  supports on-the-ground implementation of restoration projects to help protect communities from erosion, flooding, and other climate change impacts. The goal of this program is to reduce Maryland’s vulnerabilities and enhance resiliency of local communities, economies, and natural resources.

​Nature-based restoration techniques can enhance the ability of communities to respond to or recover from storms, flooding and other climate hazards by buffering people and infrastructure. Wetlands, dunes, living shorelines and other green stormwater practices can help communities adapt to changing conditions when used alongside other strategies.

The Resiliency through Restoration Initiative enhances community resilience through the following restoration ​​resources and services:

  • State and county-level shoreline restoration targeting through the Coastal Resiliency Assessment
  • Financial assistance through the Grants Gateway (Outcome 3) to fund design and construction of coastal and stormwater restoration projects in communities and on public lands. Funding is provided by the State of Maryland and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
  • Technical assistance and guidance for evaluation, design and maintenance of shoreline restoration projects.
  • Monitoring and adaptive management of shoreline projects, including development of monitoring protocols and community science trainings.
  • Community outreach to discuss and share nature-based resilience strategies.
  • Education opportunities for students to participate in shoreline restoration projects and learn about resiliency benefits.

Contact information:

Nicole Carlozo
Chesapeake & Coastal Service
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Building E-2
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone 410-260-8726​

​To learn more about existing demonstration projects and Initiative activities, explore recent Resiliency Highlights.

​​Resiliency Highlights

Tools and Resources:

Annual Report:

 Annual Report Cover


Grants Gateway:

  • The Chesapeake and Coastal Grants Gateway provides a one-stop location for communities seeking technical and financial support for projects that foster healthy ecosystems, communities, and economies that are resilient in the face of change.

Coastal flooding 

Building Flood Resilience

Make connections between understanding, planning and implementation phases to reduce impacts from flood events.​