The Dump Station will be closed for replacement until further notice.(Tuckahoe State Park Dump Station Open – 13450 Cherry Lane, Ridgely, MD 21660)
Contact: 410-820-1668
E-mail Tuckahoe State Park
Caroline County
137 Deep Shore Road,
Denton, MD
Location: Two miles east of Denton, off Rte. 404, on Deep Shore Road
Hours: 8 a.m. to Sunset
George Martinak deeded this land of forests, fields and marsh to the state in 1961 for preservation as a recreational facility and a natural area for the enjoyment of all.
Bordered by the Choptank River and Watts Creek, this area supports a wide variety of plant and animal life. Anglers may enjoy the opportunity to catch bass, perch, sunfish and catfish.
The park is located with hardwood and pine forests on the Choptank River and Watts Creek. Modern campsites and boating access are available. Amenities include hiking trails, playground, shelters and a nature center.
Pets are allowed in all areas of the park except the shelter and cabins.
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