Volunteer With Rocks State Park
Volunteer opportunities are plentiful at Rocks State Park. We welcome groups or individuals to help us with projects, adopt-a-garden, site maintenance, trail monitoring, visitor interaction and general operations. From one-time volunteers to our dedicated and well-trained volunteer rangers, every effort makes a difference in improving our park.
Volunteer Opportunities
Do you have a favorite trail? Maybe you should consider adopting it! Through our Adopt-A-Trail program, you can sign up to take individual or shared responsibility for an entire trail or trail section. Provide routine maintenance and basic repairs, and make suggestions for larger-scale group work day projects. Add the element of human interaction by serving as “trail host” and hike your trail frequently, prepared to greet people and answer questions, provide maps and information regarding trail conditions, and encourage trail stewardship and compliance.
Trail Crew/Work days
Use the trails often and looking to give back? Spend time with other trail-enthusiasts by performing maintenance and improvement projects at our regularly scheduled trail work days! Learn the basics of sustainable trail design and construction while getting your hands dirty and your body exercised. Work days are generally held the last Saturday of the month, March-November, and on select weekday evenings in the summer. Trail work can be physically demanding and volunteers should come prepared with appropriate footwear, long pants, drinking water and work gloves. Volunteers are asked to register in advance for work days; trail work will not be done if it is raining or has rained 24 hours prior to the scheduled work day.
Visitor Services
Park staff needs assistance staffing the Rock Run Historic Area on weekends May-September. Opportunities include: greeting visitors and providing information at the Tollhouse Visitor Center; conducting tours as docent at the beautiful Rock Run House; operating a 19th century Grist Mill for corn grinding demonstrations; leading interpretive programs, guided hikes, craft activities and campfire programs. Training will be provided.
General Maintenance/Shop help
Are you trained in basic plumbing, carpentry, small engine repair, or mechanical work and interested in donating your services to a state park? Murphy’s Law leaves us in constant need of help with general facilities and grounds maintenance, equipment repair and systems upgrades.
Volunteer Ranger/Volunteer Mounted Patrol Program
Susquehanna State Park’s Volunteer Rangers and Volunteer Mounted Patrol (VMP) are the “eyes and ears” of the park. Volunteer rangers assist with nearly all aspects of park operation. VMPs patrol the park on horseback assisting park guests, identifying trail maintenance issues and reporting other problems and violations. Each VMP must provide his or her own horse and tack, and be at least 18 years of age. Interested persons should start volunteering through other opportunities at the park and after accruing 40 hours of volunteer service, may become eligible for Volunteer Ranger training and certification. After receiving certification, the Volunteer Ranger commits 100 hours of service to the park per year. If you are interested but do not have your own horse, you can also become a Volunteer Ranger and patrol on foot or in a vehicle.
Group Service Opportunities
Are you involved with a school, church, scout troop, business or other organization that is looking to volunteer on a large project for a day or two? Service opportunities may involve any of the above mentioned areas of service. We are also interested in having groups adopt sections of Deer Creek, the historic Tidewater Canal and the banks of the Susquehanna River to perform quarterly shoreline litter clean-ups. We are open to suggestions from your group for project ideas related to your goals or mission.
Need more information? Contact the Susquehanna State Park Volunteer Coordinator:
Phone: 410-557-7994
Email: Rocks.statepark@maryland.gov
Website: https://ec.samaritan.com/custom/1528/