Special Event Zone Improvements Project
In collaboration with DNR, Fair Hill International (FHI) submitted an application to the Federation Equestre Internationale through the United States Equestrian Federation proposing that Fair Hill NRMA be designated as the next site to host a CCI5* Three-Day Event – the highest level of competition within this discipline of equestrian sport.
The first Fair Hill CCI5* Three-Day Event, originally, scheduled for October 15-18, 2020, has had to cancel for health and safety reasons related to the pandemic. The inaugural Maryland 5* at Fair Hill is now scheduled for October 14 – 17, 2021. Capital improvements have been made to meet this new designation requirement. The project area that encompasses the capital improvements associated with this project is bordered by Telegraph Road (State Route 273) to the north, Singerly Road (State Route 213) to the west, Big Elk Chapel Road to the south, and Gallaher Road to the east, with the main event area focused within the existing developed area at the corners of Singerly and Telegraph Roads. Please see links below for further details.
MD 5 at Fair Hill postponed to 2021
DNR is working with the Maryland Stadium Authority and their consultants on design and construction elements on much of the needed capital improvements. Construction began in early June – shortly after the Fair Hill Races this year. Construction of capital improvements will be confined to the special event zone where improvements currently exist, which is bordered by Telegraph Road (State Route 273) to the north, Singerly Road (State Route 213) to the west, Big Elk Chapel Road to the south and Gallaher Road to the east. The improvements include an upgraded turf track and timber course with increased safety measures, additional competition arenas and a new cross country course. Please see
DNR Fair Hill Special Event Zone Improvements (Public Information Meeting - May 15, 2019) for further details.
A cross country course designer has been selected to design the new 5* course in anticipation of the October 15-18, 2020 inaugural CCI5* at Fair Hill. Fair Hill International, in partnership with the Fair Hill Foundation, has hired
Ian Stark to design the new course.
Jeff Newman has recently been named President/CEO of the 5* as part of the Sport and Entertainment Corporation of Maryland.
Click here for Jeff Newman's biography.
Click here for the Sport and Entertainment Corporation press release.
This project is a partnership among multiple organizations including Fair Hill Foundation (a Maryland Park Service affiliated foundation), Fair Hill International (working under a Use Agreement with the Maryland Park Service), the Maryland Stadium Authority, the Maryland Sports Commission and the Maryland Horse Industry Board.
Maryland Department of the Environment held a Public Informational Hearing on November 12th regarding DNR's application for a modified water appropriation permit.
Click here for more information.
This partnership is designed for private investment to complement public investment in the project. As additional information becomes available and updated, we will continue to post to this site. Here is a link to the latest newsletter of the Fair Hill Foundation, Inc., an Affiliated Foundation of the Maryland Park Service.