Through Project Butterfly & Bumblebee, the Maryland Park Service is committed to increasing pollinator habitat on public lands, educating the public about pollinators, and supporting programs and events that highlight the important role pollinators play in maintaining the nation’s food supply and healthy and diverse ecosystems.
Five ways YOU can help our pollinators:
What are pollinators?
Pollinators are any insect or animal that transfers pollen from one plant to another in order to facilitate the fertilization to form fruits or seeds. These pollinators can include:
Pollinator-themed Activities to Download
Looking for a fun mixed activity book on pollinators?
Download and complete the various activities in the booklet to learn more about the important work of our pollinator friends.
Download the Pollinator Journal
Looking for a full-body motion game that you can play inside or outside, where you can act out the rewards and challenges of Monarch butterfly migration?
Download and print these game stations, then get to moving!
Download the Monarch Madness Game
Looking for a more traditional board game, where you can race to the finish line and compete with your friends, learning about Monarch butterflies along the way?
Download and print the board, grab your friends and let the race to Mexico begin!
Download the Monarch Migration Mania Game
(Click here for Spanish-language Edition)
Which native plants support pollinators?
Please use our handy reference guide
Pollinator Gardens/Meadows at State Parks
Would you like to visit one of our pollinator gardens, fields, or meadows? Wherever you are in the state, we have one near you! Check out our map…
➊ New Germany State Park - Near the Lake House
Beautiful collection of more than 70 native plants, tended by the Friends of New Germany.
➋ Sandy Point State Park - South Beach Plaza
Wide variety of native flowering plants and grasses, including salt-tolerant species.
➌ North Point State Park - Near Beach Parking Area
Wide variety of flowering perennials, shrubs, and trees.
➍ Rocky Gap State Park - East of Pleasant Valley Road, across from White Pine Pavilion
Colorful mix of annual and perennial flowers, including sunflowers.
➎ Point Lookout State Park - Fishing Pier Area
Important for migratory monarch butterflies in the fall. Includes New England Asters, Goldenrod, and High Tide Bush and functions as a Monarch waystation, providing nectar and a place to rest.
➏ Bohemia River State Park - South Meadow
Planted in Northeastern Showy Wildflower Mix and Upland Deer-resistant Mix; several additional acres in transitional stage of grass/clover between conventional agricultural fields and native meadow conversion.
➐ Sassafras State Park - Areas to the right of Main Entrance road and additional fields further into the property Meadow plantings feature a wide variety of native flowering plants and grasses that provide pollinator habitat, as well as nesting areas, food, and cover for a variety of songbirds and quail.
➑ Assateague State Park - On mainland, near boat ramps, north of 611.
Wide variety of native flowering perennials, shrubs, and grasses, including salt-tolerant species, The garden is supported by volunteers, Friends of Assateague State Park, and staff. It is a host site for our Spring Pollinator Festival and our Meaningful Watershed Environmental Experience for all Worcester County 6th graders.
Pollinator Events
We're buzzing with ideas for 2023! Fly by later to see what hatches.
We Need Your Support!
Want to help? Donate today to support butterfly and bumblebee habitat and education in state parks!
Your donation will support butterfly and bumblebee habitat and education in state parks. Planting and restoring gardens, field edges, and meadows are important conservation activities that benefit a wide variety of species and connect park visitors to the beauty and wonder of nature.
Click here to donate to the Project.
Thank You!