Check out some highlights of the Outdoor Recreation Economy in Maryland! This data is from 2022-2023 and was released in November of 2024.
$9.4 billion in Value Added to Maryland
In 2023, the outdoor recreation economy in Maryland generated 81 thousand jobs and $4.5 billion in wages and salaries. It accounted for $9.4 billion in gross domestic product (GDP), which is a 12% increase from the previous year.

After recreating outdoors, many people stop by a brewery! Here are people enjoying the Outdoor Recreation Summit social at 1812, a local brewery in Allegany County!

Many people enjoy the water trails in Maryland, which supports the outfitters and guides in this great state! Here are some people enjoying kayaks from Bay Ventures in Cecil County, MD.

Rangers perform a variety of duties in our state parks! Here are two of our rangers bird banding ospreys at Smallwood State Park

After recreating outdoors, many people stop by a brewery! Here are people enjoying the Outdoor Recreation Summit social at 1812, a local brewery in Allegany County!

Here is the Maryland Conservation Corps participating in a fun team building activity!

Many people enjoy the water trails in Maryland, which supports the outfitters and guides in this great state! Here are some people enjoying kayaks from Bay Ventures in Cecil County, MD.

The Maryland Conservation Corps work hard to develop our trails - here they are developing the Palmer Trail!

After recreating outdoors, many people stop by a brewery! Here are people enjoying the Outdoor Recreation Summit social at 1812, a local brewery in Allegany County!
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Recreational Activities Generated Over $800,000 in Our Great State
Leading the way for Maryland is boating and fishing, RVing, hunting, shooting, trapping, motorbiking and ATVing and climbing, hiking and tent camping. These recreational activities generated over $800,000 in fiscal value added to the state’s economy in 2023.

In 2023, boating and fishing brought in $656,506,000 in value added to Maryland!
Photo Credit: Fishing Friends by Reinhart Sahmel

In 2023, boating and fishing brought in $656,506,000 in value added to Maryland! Photo Credit: Fishing Friends by Reinhart Sahmel

In 2023, RVing brought in $220,911,000 in value added to Maryland!
by Rachel Barham

In 2023, hunting, shooting, and trapping brought in $189,942,000 in value added to Maryland!

In 2023, hunting, shooting, and trapping brought in $189,942,000 in value added to Maryland!

In 2023, motorbiking and ATVing brought in $94,365,000 in value added to Maryland!

In 2023, climbing, hiking, and tent camping brought in $90,823,000 in value added to Maryland!

In 2023, climbing, hiking, and tent camping brought in $90,823,000 in value added to Maryland! Photo credit: Abe and Collin Enjoying the View at Sugarloaf by Edward Danielcyzk

In 2023, climbing, hiking, and tent camping brought in $90,823,000 in value added to Maryland!
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Nationally: 1.2 Trillion Dollars and 2.3% of Overall GDP
Nationally, Outdoor Recreation accounts for 1.2 Trillion Dollars and 2.3% of the overall GDP. In 2023, Maryland was one of the top five states nationally for gowth of share of GDP, jobs and job salary compensation for outdoor recreation.
Potomac at Green Ridge by Tom Hamilton