Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission (MORE)

The Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission (MORE) was established by prior administration through Executive Order 01.01.2017.24​​. This commission is responsible for developing strategies and making recommendations to the governor to strengthen the state’s outdoor recreation industry and help ensure increased investment in our state’s outdoor recreation resources. 

“Maryland is abundant with natural, cultural, historical, and recreational resources that contribute significantly to our economy and quality of life,” said the establishing administration, “this commission will help ensure that our state’s natural heritage is strengthened, bringing new businesses, increased tourism, and ultimately preserving our resources for future generations.” ​In 2019, the outdoor recreation economy in Maryland generated 109,000 direct jobs, $14 billion in consumer spending, $4.4 billion in wages and salaries, and $951 million in state and local tax revenue. Investment in outdoor recreation and nature and heritage tourism economies continues to support many outdoor activities in Maryland, including hiking, biking, horseback riding, paddling, boating, fishing, hunting, camping, swimming, wildlife viewing, and visiting historic sites. ​

As part of their work, the commission develops innovative strategies to market Maryland’s unique outdoor and heritage recreation brand, as well as recommended initiatives to grow and attract new companies. Additionally, the commission explores ways to retain and support Maryland’s existing outdoor recreation businesses. ​The commission was co-chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce and composed of seventeen members appointed by the co-chairs with the approval of the governor.

Important Links:

Executive Order 01.01.2017.24
Commission Members
Commission Meetings
2019 C​ommission Report​
Office of Outdoor Recreation Report​​