Land Acquisition and Planning

Resident Curatorship Program - Preparing Proposals

To apply, Curators should submit the following materials to the Program Manager:

Cover Letter and Resume(s):

Curator(s) provide standard cover letter outlining their objectives for the restoration and use of the property. They must also provide resume(s), highlighting any particular experience or qualifications they may have in the field of historic preservation. Insert a resume for each prospective curator. Of particular interest is any past experience or other special qualifications each curator may have in the field of historic preservation. Information about, and photographs of, previous projects may be included here. You may also submit information about the experience and qualifications of any consultants, contractors, suppliers, or workers you plan to use.

The Schedule of Restoration:

Curators must provide a task-by-task breakdown, with cost estimates, of each phase of the proposed restoration, showing which tasks are to be accomplished in each year (up to seven years) of the project. Insert a detailed and itemized work and cost write-up for the restoration work you propose at the curatorship property. Your schedule should not exceed seven years, and your bottom line should not be less than $150,000.

You should show what specific tasks you propose to complete in each year of the schedule and a cost breakdown for each task. Your cost breakdown should show amounts for contract labor (labor for which you pay), materials, and (if applicable) estimated value of labor you propose to provide yourself (“sweat equity”). 

Show yearly totals in each column and for each line, and you should compute a bottom line for the total value of the restoration work.

You may supplement this Exhibit with anything you feel appropriate. In the event you propose to change the floor plan, or put up an addition, floor plans and elevations are required. There is no set format for the schedule of restoration as applicants should develop their own thorough and logical schedule.

We take a close look at what you propose to do to the historic property, and are especially interested in high quality work that preserves as much historic fabric as possible with the least modern intrusion. Of course, modern kitchens, bathrooms, heating and air conditioning and so forth are permitted. Additions and alterations to surviving historic fabric are discouraged.

Example of Restoration Schedule #1

Example of Restoration Schedule #2

Financial Disclosure Statement:

Curator(s) must submit this Personal Financial Statement on which they list all assets and liabilities. You should also indicate how you plan on financing the proposed restoration of the property. The purpose of this requirement is for you to demonstrate your financial capability to undertake the restoration work. You may submit any corroborating evidence or other information you wish. The submission of a current credit report at a later date may also be required.

Submitting Proposals

Proposals are to be submitted electronically or by mail. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Once received, proposals are reviewed and scored by an interagency panel of reviewers. If selected, successful applicants will receive a Right of Entry to the premises to allow them to conduct additional tests or stabilization while the finalCuratorship Agreement is drafted and presented to the Board of Public Works for approval and signature.

Selection Procedures


All proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel that includes: the area manager where the property is located, the DNR regional engineer, a representative of the Maryland Historical Trust, and the Manager of Curatorships and Cultural Resources. Their selection will be referred to the Board of Public Works (Governor, State Comptroller, and State Treasurer) for final approval.

Selection Criteria:

The review panel’s selection will be made after carefully assessing and ranking each applicant’s proposal, based on the following criteria:


  1. Detailed written description of the planned renovations and the cost estimate (Schedule of Restoration).
  2. Financial ability to complete the proposed work.
  3. Experience of the curator(s) or their contractor with historic preservation, as detailed in the resume.
  4. The appropriateness of the restoration plan and its adherence to historic preservation standards.
  5. How well the proposal or the proposed use of the facility fits into the mission of the park and of DNR.

The review panel reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, require an in-person interview, as well as the option to enter into further negotiations with any one, or several parties.

General Curatorship Stipulations (advisory only).

  1. The exterior appearance of the building must remain substantially the same.
  2. All exterior and interiors alterations require the prior approval of the Department.
  3. Removal of or significant alterations to the building interior are to be approved by the Department.
  4. All work must comply with current standard building codes.
  5. All improvements become the property of the State of Maryland.
  6. The property may not be subleased or transferred to heirs.
  7. Curators must adhere to the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for preservation as interpreted by the Department.