MUCFC Grants Program

The Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) Grants program helps community groups fund tree planting and education projects statewide to enhance Maryland’s urban forest*. Community tree projects may be organized via schools, service organizations, homeowner organizations or other volunteer-based groups. The tree planting/educational projects must be located on public lands in parks, metropolitan areas, cities or towns. The maximum grant awarded per project is $1,000. Grant proposals are due to Grants Chair, with forestry board member original signature, by 4:30 p.m. on February and July 15. and reviewed shortly thereafter.

The grant program is a four step process.

  1. Review the Grant Guidelines​​
  2. Apply Here!​​
  3. Complete a Grant Final Report
  4. Submit final report

Click here to view an example of a completed final report.

Guidelines for Applying for MUCFC Grant

  • Projects with matching funds and/or in-kind support will be given priority.
  • All grants will be awarded to organizations rather than to individual citizens.
  • All funded projects must take place on public lands* and not on an individual’s private property.
  • All funded projects (and applications) must be approved by MUCFC (and signed by your county Forestry Board by the application deadline) before the actual project is begun.
  • Projects supporting the urban tree canopy* will be given preference.
  • Any unused money must be returned, by check or money order, with final report.
  • Final Report is due one month after the proposed completion date.
  • Failure to turn in report and/or unused money will result in no future funding of projects by MUCFC.

For Tree Planting Projects:

  1. Project can be completed on school grounds or other public land*.
  2. Include a simple site plan, project design, and /or photo of the proposed planting site.
  3. If permits are required, describe the status of permits, review process etc.
  4. List plants (and their sizes) to be used in the planting project. Use of native, larger growing shade trees is preferred. MUCFC will not fund planting of invasive species.
  5. Attach a plan that describes how the project will be maintained (i.e., watering, weeding, mulching, long term maintenance)
  6. Price range for plant material should be appropriate for size. Smaller plants cost less, are easily handled and have a higher survival rate than larger B&B plants. Occasionally, larger plants are necessary, however. When possible, purchase plants from the state facilities. Purchase seedlings from the state tree nursery and container grown trees from Tree-Mendous MD Program. Prices are typically $18-$50 dollars for trees and shrubs.

For Educational / Printing Projects:

  1. Project must raise public awareness of the benefits of trees in the urban environment.
  2. Project should provide links to organizations that can provide additional information or assistance.
  3. Attach a sample of the images and/or draft of text for printing and signage requests.
  4. Explain how the project or material will fulfill an unmet need for information.
  5. Describe your audience, and how you plan to distribute the publication to your audience.
  6. Name partners who can assist you in furthering your project.
  7. Will the completed project be printed in a newsletter or placed on a website? If so, include a copy of the newsletter or URL in report.
  8. Include the statement: Maryland Urban & Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) funded the printing of this publication on any printed material funded by MUCFC. Display this statement prominently on the publication.
  9. Include the MUCFC logo on any signage funded by MUCFC. Contact for a camera-ready digital file of logo.

*Definitions (These definitions are referred to in the text above with asterisks.)

Urban Forestry: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an urban area is a place with a population of at least 2,500 people. This definition encompasses a wide range of communities, including most of the cities and towns in Maryland. Forestry refers to individual parks, yards and street trees, as well as forest fragments such as wooded parkland, unimproved lots and naturally regenerating areas. Urban Forests are generally, though not exclusively, thought of as providing economical, ecological and social services like recreation, aesthetics, wildlife habitat, stormwater management, carbon storage and interception of airborne pollutants. This is in addition to the traditional view of forests as primarily providing goods like lumber, pulpwood or firewood.

Urban Forest:  the ecosystem that consists of trees and other vegetation including shrubs, vines and groundcovers that grow individually, in small groups or under forest conditions on public and private lands in our cities, their suburbs and towns. The urban forest not only provides shade for us and habitat for wildlife, it helps to clean our air and water. Streets, sidewalks, buildings, utilities, and most importantly, people are an integral part of the urban forest.

Urban Tree Canopy: when viewed from above, the leaves and branches of trees that cover the ground. This serves as an overall indicator of urban forest quality and quantity

Public Land: land paid for and supported by public tax dollars – can include homeowner association, city, town, county, state or federal land.


This application can be filled in on your computer. Return the completed, signed form and suggested documentation to the MUCFC Grants Chair listed below.

If you have any questions about the program please contact:

MD DNR Forest Service
Tawes State Office Building E-1
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401

Wanda MacLachlan
MUCFC Grants Chair
