Commercial Coastal Regulations

​The following table summarizes rules governing the harvest and possession of fish species that harvesters commonly catch in Maryland's coastal waters. This is an abridged summary and does not include all regulated species. Consult the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and Natural Resources Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland for full legal text.

Contact the National Marine Fisheries Service by phone at (978) 281-9278 or through their ​website for updates in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The EEZ is all waters from the seaward boundary of coastal states (3 miles from shore) out to 200 nautical miles. Maryland waters are from the shore to 3 miles.

Rules are subject to change. It is the harvester's responsibility to know and abide by all current fishing rules.

Season, Limits & Other Conditions
American Eel
You may use all gear from 1/1 through 8/31

Only Spear, Baited Trap and Eel Pot may be used from 9/1 through 12/31

Wire mesh may not be less than ½" when unstretched
American Lobster
Carapace Length:
3-3/8" minimum
5¼" maximum
Season CLOSED February and March

Must v-notch and release egg bearing females according to COMAR

No egg bearing, scraped, scrubbed, v-notched or speared lobsters

Gear other than traps may not land more than 100 lobsters per day for a 24-hour period, or 500 lobsters per trip for a 5-day or longer period
Atlantic Menhaden
Open Year Round

Unlimited fishery is open until the State-wide quota is met
After the quota is met the fishery will switch to the permitted fishery
Black Sea Bass
Open Year Round

Quotas by permit

Without permit - 50 lbs/vessel/day
Blue Crabs
HARD - 5"

PEELERS from April 1 through July 14 - 3 1/4"

PEELERS from July 15 through October 31 - 3 1/2"

SOFT from  April 1 through Dec 15 - 3 1/2"

4/1 through 10/31

Season CLOSED All Other Dates

Harvest crabs and set/retrieve gear between sunrise and 8-½ hours after sunrise during April and October; and between ½ hour before sunrise to 8 hours after sunrise during May through September

Scrapes prohibited
Mature female hard crabs shall be kept in separate bushels, lugs, or barrels from male hard crabs or peeler crabs. Hard crabs on board a vessel shall be stored in the same type of containers of similar dimensions.

25 bushels, 16 lugs, or 10 barrels per commercial boat

Catch Times for 5/26, 5/27, 6/18, 6/19, 7/3, 7/4, 9/1, 09/2:
1 1/2 hours before sunrise to 8 hours after sunrise

33" fork length
Open Year Round

2/person/day - not to exceed 6/vessel/day
6" length

3-3/8" girth (Channeled Whelk only)
Open Year Round

"Conch" Includes knobbed, channel and lightning whelk
3/16 through 12/31

Season CLOSED All Other Dates
Drum, Black
Atlantic Ocean - Open Year Round

Ocean: 1500 lbs Annual Limit

Coastal Bays - CLOSED
Drum, Red
18" minimum
25" maximum
Open Year Round

Open Year Round

175 lbs combined weight of all species defined as grouper (see list of species in links)

Several species of snapper and grouper are defined as grouper for regulation and harvesting purposes
Hard Clam
Transverse 1"
Sunrise to 4pm

Season CLOSED 6/1 through 9/14, except for handheld gear

Hydraulic dredge prohibited
Horseshoe Crab
5/1 through 7/7

May not catch or land on Saturday or Sunday

Season CLOSED Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Dec

Coastal Bays and their tribs and 1 Mile off Atlantic Coast (other areas closed)

150/person/day with permit

25/person/day without permit

Female harvest prohibited
Horseshoe Crabs
7/08 through 11/30

May not catch or land on Saturday or Sunday

Season CLOSED Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Dec

Catch limits by permit

25/person/day without permit

Female harvest prohibited
Jonah Crab
4-3/4" in width, measured at the widest part of the carapace (body shell).
Open Year Round

Permit required

No harvest of egg bearing crabs

Limits are based on permit and gear type. See regulation for details (COMAR
Open Year Round

Federal permit required

Limits set by ASMFC

Gear restrictions in regulation (COMAR
Shad, American or Hickory
Harvest Prohibited
Shark, Aggregated Large Coastal Group
Season CLOSED 5/15 through 7/15

Silky, Tiger, Blacktip, Spinner, Bull, Lemon, Nurse

See public notice for limits

See regulation (COMAR for gear and harvest requirements

May not harvest, possess, or land sharks when federal waters are CLOSED.
Shark, Blacknose
Open Year Round

Shark, Hammerhead Group
Season CLOSED 5/15 through 7/15

Scalloped hammerhead, Great hammerhead, Smooth hammerhead

See public notice for limits

See regulation (COMAR for gear and harvest requirements

May not harvest, possess, or land sharks when federal waters are CLOSED.
Shark, Non-Blacknose Small Coastal Group
Open Year Round

Atlantic sharpnose, Finetooth, Bonnethead

See regulation (COMAR for gear and harvest requirements

May not harvest, possess, or land sharks when federal waters are closed.
Shark, Oceanic Whitetip
Harvest Prohibited
Shark, Pelagic Group
Open Year Round

Porbeagle, Common thresher, Oceanic whitetip, Blue

See regulation (COMAR for gear and harvest requirements

Oceanic whitetip - no possession allowed - see notice.

May not harvest, possess, or land sharks when federal waters are closed.
Shark, Prohibited and Research Groups
Harvest Prohibited

Prohibited: Sand Tiger, Bigeye Sandtiger, Whale, Basking, White, Dusky, Bignose, Galapagos, Night, Reef, Narrowtooth, Caribbean Sharpnose, Smalltail, Atlantic Angel, Longfin Mako, Bigeye Thresher, Sharpnose Sevengill, Bluntnose Sixgill, Bigeye Sixgill

Research: Sandbar
Shark, Smoothhound (smooth dogfish)
Open Year Round

See Regulation (COMAR for gear and harvesting requirements

smooth dogfish carcasses may be landed with corresponding fins removed from the carcass as long as the total retained catch on board at the time of offloading is composed of at least 25 percent, by weight, smooth dogfish
Spanish Mackerel
The season will close at 12:01 a.m. November 16, 2024.

The season will reopen at 12:01 a.m. January 1, 2025.

500 lbs/vessel/day or trip, whichever is longer, regardless of the number of licensees on board the vessel
Spiny Dogfish
Open May 1 through April 30.

Limits established by public notice

No more than one spiny dogfish vessel limit may be landed from one vessel per day
Spotted Sea Trout
Open Year Round

150 lbs/day or trip, whichever is longer

Trawl mesh min. 3-3/8" square or 3-3/4" diamond stretched

Gill net mesh min. 3" stretched
Striped Bass
Season CLOSED 6/1 through 9/30

May not catch or land on Saturday or Sunday

Permit required

Allocation determined annually
Summer Flounder

Hook and Line:
16" January 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024
17 1/2" June 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

All Other Gear: 14"

Open Year Round

Quotas by permit

Without a Permit: 100 lbs/person/day
1/1 through 5/15 - 4/person/day

SEASON CLOSED 5/16 through 6/30

7/1 - 10/31 - 2/person/day

11/1 - 12/31 - 4/person/day

A pot and trap shall have hinges on one panel/door made of untreated hemp or jute string 3/16" diameter or smaller, magnesium alloy fasteners timed float releases (pop-up devices) or similar magnesium alloy fasteners, or ungalvinized/uncoated iron wire of 0.094" diameter
Tilefish, Blueline, Golden, or Sand
Follow federal rules
Must follow federal rules (50 CFR 648) for catch limit, season, and gear.

May not catch, possess, or land when federal waters are closed.

May be eviscerated, but must be landed with the head and fins naturally attached to the carcass.

Must be sold to a federally permitted dealer.
Open Year Round

100 lbs/day or trip whichever is longer

The weight of the weakfish may not exceed the weight of the catch of the other species on board the vessel

Trawl mesh min. 3-3/8" square or 3-3/4" diamond stretched mesh

Gill net mesh min. 3" stretched

Harvest with hook and line prohibited