Certified Maryland Clean Marinas
Sandy Point State Park |  | 1100 East College Parkway Annapolis,
MD 21409
Phone: 410-991-7435
List of Amenities:
- 22 launching ramps
- 6 day use slips (first come/first served)
- Pump out (call HQ regarding opening and closing of station)
- Gas and diesel
- Ship’s store with fishing tackle, bait, rods and crabbing supplies
- Ship’s store with drinks, coffee, snacks, and sandwiches
- Ship’s store with two and four stroke oil, gear oil, flares, fire extinguishers, life preservers and other marine related items
- Complimentary USCG auxiliary boat inspections during Safe Boating Week
- Ready access to Chesapeake Bay from Mezick Pond
Examples of Clean Marina Practices:
- Oil recycled
- Metal and shrink wrap recycled
- Tires recycled
- Spill Prevention kits on site
- Oil/gas absorbent cloths distributed to boaters at fuel dock
- Bottom coatings not requiring annual application and with low environmental impact used on rental and patrol vessels
- Maintenance performed in specified areas at the shop
- Regular maintenance to all engines in fleet to minimize wasted gas/oil
- Treatment of fuels to reduce corrosive effects of ethanol on engine components as well as degradation of gas