Certified Maryland Clean Marinas
Bush River Yacht Club |  | 4001 East Baker Avenue Abingdon,
MD 21009
Phone: 410-676-1122
List of Amenities:
Available to club members:
- Over 150 Slips with Water & Electric
- Swimming Pool (Regular and Kiddie)
- Picnic Area & Covered Pavilion
- Active Ladies Auxiliary
- Pier’s End Bar
- Lounge in Clubhouse
- Boat Ramp
- Showers
- Children’s Play Area
- Repair Services & Fuel Nearby
- Active Junior Fleet
- Large Ballroom
- Sea Scouts Meeting Space
- Recycling
Examples of Clean Marina Practices:
- Free pumpout station
- Environmental education provided to members and guests
- Emergency spill response kit
- Storm water downspouts directed to gardens