Certified Maryland Clean Marinas
Annapolis Yacht Club Sailing Center |  | 510 Severn Ave. Annapolis,
MD 21403
Phone: 410-263-9279 (front desk)
Phone: 410-320-4304 (dockmasters)
List of Amenities:
- Private Club house
- Pumpout station
- 75 slips
- Locker rooms
- Home of Annapolis’ Wednesday Night Races
Examples of Clean Marina Practices:
- Recycle solid waste (e.g., cans, bottles)
- Recycle oyster shells from our restaurants
- Grow oyster spat
- Pump-out station open to members
- Spill kits and emergency phone numbers on every dock
- Continuous safety training
- Boater education for members on ways to prevent pollution and waste
- Major maintenance on club boats is done indoors or off site to prevent water pollution.