Certified Maryland Clean Marinas
Annapolis City Dock |  | 1 City Dock Annapolis,
MD 21401
Phone: (410) 263-7973
List of Amenities:
- 260’ Reservation Bulkhead (Boats up to 125 Ft)
- 320’ Bulkhead - First-Come-First-Served (Boats up to 125 Ft)
- 17 Slips - First-Come-First-Served (Boats up to 60 Ft)
- 56 moorings for boats up to 55'
- 20 moorings for boats up to 35'
- Boater’s Showers with Laundry
- Harbor Tours and Water Taxi Landing
- Visitor’s Information Center
Examples of Clean Marina Practices:
- Pumpout Boat- will come to you anywhere in Annapolis City Waters
- Oil Spill Containment facilities
- Derelict Vessel and Debris removal/enforcement
- Plastic, glass, can, and paper recycling
- Storm drains to be marked “Don’t Dump—Drains to Chesapeake Bay”
- Stormwater management throughout parking lot